Os Níveis Diferenciados de Governança Corporativa Blindam as Firmas Contra Crises Financeiras? Uma Análise da Crise Financeira de 2008
Anete Alberton, Antônio Miguel Cavalheiro Moletta, Rosilene Marcon
Este artigo investiga o reflexo da crise financeira de 2008 nos retornos das empresas listadas nos níveis diferenciados de Governança Corporativa (GC) e do Mercado Tradicional (MT). A adesão às boas práticas de GC instituída pela Bovespa pressupõe, entre outras, uma administração transparente e confiável que propicia, além da diminuição da assimetria de informações, respeito aos pequenos acionistas, solução de conflitos e proteção aos investidores. Em troca, presume-se uma blindagem contra períodos de turbulência por meio de benefícios e vantagens como a valorização das ações. Utilizando a metodologia de estudo de eventos, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo comparar estatisticamente se as empresas que optaram pela adesão tiveram um desempenho superior baseado na média das variações dos preços das ações em comparação com as que não optaram pela adesão. Como principal conclusão, verificou-se que a adesão não resultou em blindagem contra a crise. A análise dos retornos demonstrou que as empresas dos níveis diferenciados tiveram desempenho inferior, contrariando pesquisas anteriores, o que nos fornece indícios de que fazer parte dos níveis diferenciados de GC não traz benefícios em períodos conturbados de crise.
Palavras-chave: Governança Corporativa. Crise financeira de 2008. Estudo de eventos.
This paper investigates the reflection of the financial crisis of 2008 in the returns of companies listed on different levels of Corporate Governance (CG) and the Traditional Market (TM). Adherence to good CG practices established by Bovespa requires, among others, a transparent management system that provides beyond the reduction of asymmetric information about the small shareholders, resolving conflicts and protecting investors. In exchange it is assumed a shield against periods of turbulence, through benefits and advantages as recovery actions. Using event study methodology, this research
aims to compare statistically the companies that have opted for accession had a superior performance, based on the average of the variations of stock prices compared with those not opted for membership. As a main conclusion it was found that adherence did not result in shielding the crisis. The analysis of the returns showed that companies of different levels had lower contradicting previous research, which provides us with evidence that part of different levels of CG is no benefit in troubled times of crisis.
Key words: Corporate Governance. Financial crisis of 2008. Event study.
Palavras-chave: Governança Corporativa. Crise financeira de 2008. Estudo de eventos.
This paper investigates the reflection of the financial crisis of 2008 in the returns of companies listed on different levels of Corporate Governance (CG) and the Traditional Market (TM). Adherence to good CG practices established by Bovespa requires, among others, a transparent management system that provides beyond the reduction of asymmetric information about the small shareholders, resolving conflicts and protecting investors. In exchange it is assumed a shield against periods of turbulence, through benefits and advantages as recovery actions. Using event study methodology, this research
aims to compare statistically the companies that have opted for accession had a superior performance, based on the average of the variations of stock prices compared with those not opted for membership. As a main conclusion it was found that adherence did not result in shielding the crisis. The analysis of the returns showed that companies of different levels had lower contradicting previous research, which provides us with evidence that part of different levels of CG is no benefit in troubled times of crisis.
Key words: Corporate Governance. Financial crisis of 2008. Event study.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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