Evidenciação da Remuneração Variável nas Melhores Empresas para se Trabalhar Listadas na BM&FBovespa: um Estudo à Luz dos CPCs 10 e 33
Kléber Formiga Miranda, Werbson Campos Tomé, Alessandra Vasconcelos Gallon
O tema remuneração variável tem sido foco de várias discussões nos âmbitos acadêmico e corporativo nos últimos anos embasadas no argumento de que as relações positivas com os empregados podem ser consideradas como fonte de vantagem competitiva para as empresas. A preocupação dos organismos normatizadores de práticas contábeis no Brasil com as questões relacionadas à remuneração variável nas organizações fez com que o Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis (CPC) emitisse os Pronunciamentos Técnicos CPCs 10 e 33, que estabelecem procedimentos para reconhecimento e divulgação nas demonstrações contábeis das transações com pagamento baseado em ações (stock options) e com benefícios concedidos a empregados. Este estudo tem o objetivo de analisar a evidenciação da remuneração variável nas melhores empresas para se trabalhar (MEPTs) listadas na BM&FBovespa diante das Deliberações CVM nº 562/2008 e 600/2009, que aprovam e tornam obrigatório,para as companhias abertas, a aplicação dos Pronunciamentos Técnicos CPCs 10 e 33 a partir dos exercícios encerrados em 2008 e 2009, respectivamente. O estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa dos dados foi realizado por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo das Notas Explicativas às Demonstrações Financeiras Padronizadas do ano de 2009 das companhias abertas incluídas no ranking das MEPTs no Brasil em 2009 das revistas Exame e Você S/A. Os resultados demonstram que, das duas formas de remuneração variável propostas para a análise tendo como referência os CPCs 10 e 33, os itens de divulgação relacionados a benefícios a empregados (CPC 33) foram os mais pontuados. Conclui-se que, de modo geral, os fatores tamanho, setor e quantidade de empregados condicionam a maior extensão da evidenciação de informação sobre as políticas de remuneração variável praticadas pelas empresas pesquisadas.
Palavras-chave: Evidenciação. Remuneração variável. Melhores empresas para se trabalhar.
The area of variable income has been the focus of various discussions in both academic and corporate environments in
recent years. That is so because positive relationships with employees may be considered a source of competitive advantage for companies. The concern of organizations standardizing accounting practices in Brazil with issues related to variable income in organizations caused the Committee on Accounting Pronouncement (CAP) to issue the Technical Pronouncements CAPs 10 and 33 that establish procedures for recognition and disclosure of stock option-based payment transactions and transactions with employee benefits in financial statements. This study aims to examine the disclosure of variable income in the best companies to work (BCWs) listed on the BM&FBovespa, in face of the CVM Resolutions nº 562/2008 and 600/2009, which approve of and make it mandatory, for publicly traded companies, the application of CAPs 10 and 33 based on the financial year ended in 2008 and 2009, respectively. This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach of data and which was conducted by using the technique of content analysis of the explanatory notes of the accounting demonstrations standardized in 2009 of the publicly traded companies included in the ranking of the BCW's in Brazil in 2009 in "Exame" and "Você S/A" magazines. The results show that, from the two forms of variable income proposed for the analysis, based on CAPs 10 and 33, the disclosure items related to employee benefits (CPC 33) were the best ranked. We conclude that, in general, the factors size, sector and number of employees influence the greatest extent of information disclosure about variable income policies practiced by the companies investigated.
Key words: Disclosure. Variable income. Best companies to work with
Palavras-chave: Evidenciação. Remuneração variável. Melhores empresas para se trabalhar.
The area of variable income has been the focus of various discussions in both academic and corporate environments in
recent years. That is so because positive relationships with employees may be considered a source of competitive advantage for companies. The concern of organizations standardizing accounting practices in Brazil with issues related to variable income in organizations caused the Committee on Accounting Pronouncement (CAP) to issue the Technical Pronouncements CAPs 10 and 33 that establish procedures for recognition and disclosure of stock option-based payment transactions and transactions with employee benefits in financial statements. This study aims to examine the disclosure of variable income in the best companies to work (BCWs) listed on the BM&FBovespa, in face of the CVM Resolutions nº 562/2008 and 600/2009, which approve of and make it mandatory, for publicly traded companies, the application of CAPs 10 and 33 based on the financial year ended in 2008 and 2009, respectively. This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach of data and which was conducted by using the technique of content analysis of the explanatory notes of the accounting demonstrations standardized in 2009 of the publicly traded companies included in the ranking of the BCW's in Brazil in 2009 in "Exame" and "Você S/A" magazines. The results show that, from the two forms of variable income proposed for the analysis, based on CAPs 10 and 33, the disclosure items related to employee benefits (CPC 33) were the best ranked. We conclude that, in general, the factors size, sector and number of employees influence the greatest extent of information disclosure about variable income policies practiced by the companies investigated.
Key words: Disclosure. Variable income. Best companies to work with
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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