Evidenciação Estratégica dos Pilares da Sustentabilidade Empresarial: Investigação no Relatório da Administração das Empresas que Compõem o ISE
Alessandra Vasconcelos Gallon, Sandra Rolim Ensslin
A divulgação das práticas de sustentabilidade empresarial em companhias abertas se dá, tipicamente, por meio de sua publicação no Relatório da Administração, como uma forma de transparência da gestão de tais organizações, visando oferecer um quadro mais claro de suas práticas gerenciais para acionistas e usuários em geral. Nesta perspectiva, este artigo objetiva verificar a evidenciação dos elementos – relacionamento com empregados e fornecedores, relacionamento com a comunidade, governança corporativa e impactos ambientais das atividades – que se configuram como os pilares do Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial (ISE) da Bovespa, nos Relatórios da Administração, do período de 2000 a 2006, das 34 empresas que compõem a carteira teórica anual de dezembro/2006 a novembro/2007 do ISE, por meio da técnica da análise de conteúdo. A metodologia empregada classifica-se como descritiva, com abordagem quali-quantitativa, do tipo levantamento ou survey, com análise de clusters. Os resultados do estudo mostram que, independentemente do elemento evidenciado, a maior evidenciação é do tipo declarativa, seguida da quantitativa não monetária; e que há um equilíbrio entre a evidenciação dos elementos relacionados à sustentabilidade empresarial, sendo o elemento empregados e fornecedores o mais evidenciado, em oposição ao elemento governança corporativa, que teve menor evidenciação. Especificamente no que tange à evidenciação sobre os impactos ambientais, verificou-se que ainda há grande dificuldade em atender, com plenitude, às recomendações, uma vez que este elemento se enquadrou apenas em penúltimo lugar no ranking de evidenciação. Na análise de clusters, constatou-se que a maioria das empresas classificou-se no cluster 2 (evidenciação moderada), representando 62,96% das empresas analisadas. Já sete empresas, o equivalente a 25,93%, classificaram-se no cluster 1 (evidenciação baixa) e apenas três no cluster 3 (evidenciação elevada), o que mostra que as empresas ainda têm um longo caminho a trilhar no sentido da transparência e qualidade da divulgação de suas práticas sustentáveis.
Palavras-chave: Sustentabilidade empresarial. Evidenciação estratégica. Relatório da Administração.
Strategic Disclosure of Corporate Sustentainability Pillars: an Investigation of the Management Report of Companies Listed on the ISE Index
Disclosure of corporate sustainability practices in publicly traded companies typically occurs through publication in the Management Report, thus demonstrating the organizations’ commitment to transparent management, aiming at providing a clearer picture of their management practices to their stockholders and the general public. From this perspective, this paper aims to assess, using the content analysis technique, the disclosure of the following elements: relationship with employees and suppliers, relationship with the community, corporate governance, and environmental impact of the activities. These elements are the pillars of the Bovespa Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) in the 2000 to 2006 Management Reports of the 34 companies that integrate the theoretical portfolio of the ISE index, from December/2006 to November/2007. The study adopted a descriptive methodology, with qualitative and quantitative analyses, and gathered data by administering a survey, also including cluster analysis. The results indicate that no matter what element is being disclosed, declarative disclosure is the most frequent, followed by non-monetary quantitative disclosure. Furthermore, there is a balance between disclosure of elements related to corporate sustainability, and the element employees and suppliers is most frequently disclosed, contrary to corporate governance, which presented the lowest disclosure rates. More specifically, regarding environment impact, it was found that it is difficult to fully acknowledge the recommendations, and this element appears in the last but one position in the disclosure ranking. In the cluster analysis the results show that most companies were placed in cluster 2 (moderate disclosure), which represents 62,96% of the companies in this study. On the other hand, 7 companies, 25,93% of the sample, were placed in cluster 1 (low disclosure) and only 3 appeared in cluster 3 (high disclosure), which indicates that the companies still have a long path ahead to achieve transparency and quality regarding the disclosure of their sustainable practices.
Key Words: Corporate sustainability. Strategic disclosure. Management Report.
Palavras-chave: Sustentabilidade empresarial. Evidenciação estratégica. Relatório da Administração.
Strategic Disclosure of Corporate Sustentainability Pillars: an Investigation of the Management Report of Companies Listed on the ISE Index
Disclosure of corporate sustainability practices in publicly traded companies typically occurs through publication in the Management Report, thus demonstrating the organizations’ commitment to transparent management, aiming at providing a clearer picture of their management practices to their stockholders and the general public. From this perspective, this paper aims to assess, using the content analysis technique, the disclosure of the following elements: relationship with employees and suppliers, relationship with the community, corporate governance, and environmental impact of the activities. These elements are the pillars of the Bovespa Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) in the 2000 to 2006 Management Reports of the 34 companies that integrate the theoretical portfolio of the ISE index, from December/2006 to November/2007. The study adopted a descriptive methodology, with qualitative and quantitative analyses, and gathered data by administering a survey, also including cluster analysis. The results indicate that no matter what element is being disclosed, declarative disclosure is the most frequent, followed by non-monetary quantitative disclosure. Furthermore, there is a balance between disclosure of elements related to corporate sustainability, and the element employees and suppliers is most frequently disclosed, contrary to corporate governance, which presented the lowest disclosure rates. More specifically, regarding environment impact, it was found that it is difficult to fully acknowledge the recommendations, and this element appears in the last but one position in the disclosure ranking. In the cluster analysis the results show that most companies were placed in cluster 2 (moderate disclosure), which represents 62,96% of the companies in this study. On the other hand, 7 companies, 25,93% of the sample, were placed in cluster 1 (low disclosure) and only 3 appeared in cluster 3 (high disclosure), which indicates that the companies still have a long path ahead to achieve transparency and quality regarding the disclosure of their sustainable practices.
Key Words: Corporate sustainability. Strategic disclosure. Management Report.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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