Adequação dos Currículos dos Cursos de Contabilidade das Universidades Federais Brasileiras ao Currículo Mundial de Contabilidade e o Desempenho no Enade
Danival Sousa Cavalcante, Luiz Damázio Pereira de Aquino, Márcia Martins Mendes De Luca, Vera Maria Rodrigues Ponte, Maria Clara Cavalcante Bugarim
O presente artigo tem por objetivo investigar a adequação dos currículos adotados pelos cursos de Ciências Contábeis nas universidades federais brasileiras ao Currículo Mundial de Contabilidade proposto pela ONU/UNCTAD/ISAR. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa com abordagem hipotético-dedutiva, de cunho quantitativo, a partir do levantamento dos currículos de contabilidade de 27 universidades que ofertam graduação em Ciências Contábeis. Adicionalmente, investiga-se se há correlação entre a adequação ao Currículo Mundial de Contabilidade pelas universidades federais do país e o desempenho dos seus graduandos de Ciências Contábeis no Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudante (Enade). Os resultados evidenciam que os currículos das IESs pesquisadas apresentam menos de 50% de adequação às disciplinas sugeridas pelo Currículo Mundial de Contabilidade e que várias disciplinas ofertadas pelas universidades federais brasileiras não guardam correspondência com o Currículo Mundial. Além disso, o resultado do teste de correlação de Spearman revelou que não há correlação entre a adequação pelas universidades federais brasileiras ao Currículo Mundial e o conceito Enade obtido pelas IESs, em 2006.
Palavras-chave: Currículo Mundial de Contabilidade, Enade, Formação do Contador
The present article aims at investigating the adequacy of syllabi adopted by accountancy science courses in Brazilian federal universities regarding the world accountancy syllabus proposed by the UN/UNCTAD/ISAR. To that end, a research with a deductive-hypothetical approach, of quantitative nature, was conducted based on a survey into ac- countancy syllabi in 27 universities that offer degrees in accountancy sciences. In addition, there is an investigation on the connection between adequacy to the world accountancy syllabus and the performance of accountancy science graduates of Brazilian federal universities in the Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudante - Enade (Student Performance National Exam - Enade). The results show that the syllabi in the investigated IESs present less than 50% of adequacy to the disciplines suggested by the world accountancy syllabus and that several disciplines offered by Brazilian federal universities show no correspondence to the world syllabus. Besides that, the result of Spearman's correlation test revealed that there is no correlation between federal universities' adequacy to the world syllabus and the ENADE assessment obtained by the IESs, in 2006.
Key words: World Accountancy Syllabus, Enade, Accountant's formation.
Palavras-chave: Currículo Mundial de Contabilidade, Enade, Formação do Contador
The present article aims at investigating the adequacy of syllabi adopted by accountancy science courses in Brazilian federal universities regarding the world accountancy syllabus proposed by the UN/UNCTAD/ISAR. To that end, a research with a deductive-hypothetical approach, of quantitative nature, was conducted based on a survey into ac- countancy syllabi in 27 universities that offer degrees in accountancy sciences. In addition, there is an investigation on the connection between adequacy to the world accountancy syllabus and the performance of accountancy science graduates of Brazilian federal universities in the Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudante - Enade (Student Performance National Exam - Enade). The results show that the syllabi in the investigated IESs present less than 50% of adequacy to the disciplines suggested by the world accountancy syllabus and that several disciplines offered by Brazilian federal universities show no correspondence to the world syllabus. Besides that, the result of Spearman's correlation test revealed that there is no correlation between federal universities' adequacy to the world syllabus and the ENADE assessment obtained by the IESs, in 2006.
Key words: World Accountancy Syllabus, Enade, Accountant's formation.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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