The university councilors’ perception regarding the quality characteristics of accounting information in the financial reports of brazilian federal universities
Percepção dos conselheiros universitários quanto à qualidade da informação contábil nas prestações de contas das universidades federais brasileiras
Literature indicates that citizens have difficulties in understanding the information disclosed by public agencies. In order to improve the quality of information provided, since 2018, the Management Report (RG) of federal agencies must follow the Integrated Reporting approach, including its principles of transparency, clarity, completeness, conciseness, coherence, and comparability, among others. This research aims to assess the perception of university councilors regarding the quality of accounting information in the financial statements of Brazilian Federal Universities and the association between this perception and the profile of the respondent and the level of sophistication. In this regard, an opinion survey was conducted with university councilors during the period from October to December 2022. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results generally indicate that the councilors recognize the relevance of the RG contents and perceive the understandability and quality of the information. However, it was found that there is still room for improvement in the presentation of the reports to enhance the level of understandability for the citizens and, consequently, the perception of relevance and quality of the information. No association was observed between the respondent's profile and their level of sophistication with the level of perception of the qualitative attributes of the information. This study provides important practical contributions for report preparers and highlights the importance of accounting in preparing useful information for users. Keywords: Accountability; Transparency; Social Control; Information Quality
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