Análise do Impacto da Emissão de Debêntures no Valor das Companhias Brasileiras
Luís Antônio Gióia Ettore, Vinicius Mothé Maia, Marcelo Alvaro da Silva Macedo
Resumo Esta pesquisa almejou analisar o impacto da emissão de debêntures no valor das companhias brasileiras. Neste contexto, utilizou-se do estudo de eventos para medir os retornos anormais e retornos anormais acumulados em 4 janelas distintas. A janela de estimação usada correspondeu a 252 retornos anteriores a janela do evento. Os dados foram coletados no Sistema Nacional de Debêntures e na Plataforma Bloomberg. Após passar por critérios de seleção, chegou-se a um total de 436 eventos equivalentes a 632 debêntures de 124 empresas distintas compreendendo o período de 1995 a 2017. No que se refere aos retornos anormais e acumulados, empregou-se o Teste t para medir a significância estatística a 5%. Notou-se que cerca de 16% dos eventos foram estatisticamente relevantes em pelo menos uma das 4 janelas. Observando as somas dos retornos, constata-se certa paridade entre os eventos que reagiram positivamente aos que reagiram negativamente. Os resultados de maneira geral não permitem constatar ou refutar que o mercado assimilou de maneira eficiente a emissão de novas dívidas. Além do mais, buscando verificar quais informações poderiam ajudar a explicar a existência ou não de retornos anormais estatisticamente significativos, não se obteve indícios de diferenças entre os dois grupos a 5% de significância.
Palavras-chave: Debêntures, Reação do Mercado, Eficiência, Estrutura de Capital.
This research aimed to analyze the impact of the debentures issue on the value of Brazilian companies. In this context, the study of events was used to measure the abnormal returns and abnormal returns accumulated in 4 different windows. The used pet window corresponded to 252 previous returns to the event window. The data were collected in the National Debentures System and in the Bloomberg Platform. After passing through selection criteria, a total of 436 events were equivalent to 632 debentures from 124 different companies, covering the period from 1995 to 2017. With respect to the abnormal and accumulated returns, the t-Test was used to mea sure statistical significance at 5%. It was noted that about 16% of the events were statistically relevant in at least one of the 4 windows. Observing the sums of returns, we find a certain parity between the events that reacted positively to those that reacted negatively. The results in general do not allow to confirm or refute that the market has efficiently assimilated the issuance of new debts. Moreover, seeking to ascertain what information might help explain the existence or not of statistically significant abnormal returns, no evidence of differen ces between the two groups at 5% significance was obtained.
Keywords: Debentures, Market Reaction, Efficiency, Capital Structure
Palavras-chave: Debêntures, Reação do Mercado, Eficiência, Estrutura de Capital.
This research aimed to analyze the impact of the debentures issue on the value of Brazilian companies. In this context, the study of events was used to measure the abnormal returns and abnormal returns accumulated in 4 different windows. The used pet window corresponded to 252 previous returns to the event window. The data were collected in the National Debentures System and in the Bloomberg Platform. After passing through selection criteria, a total of 436 events were equivalent to 632 debentures from 124 different companies, covering the period from 1995 to 2017. With respect to the abnormal and accumulated returns, the t-Test was used to mea sure statistical significance at 5%. It was noted that about 16% of the events were statistically relevant in at least one of the 4 windows. Observing the sums of returns, we find a certain parity between the events that reacted positively to those that reacted negatively. The results in general do not allow to confirm or refute that the market has efficiently assimilated the issuance of new debts. Moreover, seeking to ascertain what information might help explain the existence or not of statistically significant abnormal returns, no evidence of differen ces between the two groups at 5% significance was obtained.
Keywords: Debentures, Market Reaction, Efficiency, Capital Structure
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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