Os Mercados Acionários Internacionais Reagem Mais às Demonstrações Contábeis ou às Notícias? O Caso do Escândalo do Banco HSBC
Marcelo Alvaro da Silva Macedo, José Elias Feres de Almeida, Olivia Maurício Dornelles
Resumo A publicação das demonstrações fi nanceiras é relevante para o mercado de capitais ou as informações são antecipadas por outras fontes? Este trabalho busca identifi car se um tipo de evento e sua fonte afetam o retorno das ações mais do que outros nas Bolsas de Valores de Londres, Hong Kong e Nova Iorque. Quatro eventos relacionados ao HSBC Holdings plc foram considerados para utilização da técnica de estudos de eventos: o escândalo Swiss Leaks, em 2015; os prejuízos nas subsidiárias do Brasil e da Turquia, divulgados nos relatórios fi nanceiros anuais de 2014; as notícias em jornais internacionais sobre a administração do banco; e, fi nalmente, o comunicado ofi cial da instituição sobre a venda das duas fi liais defi citárias. Os resultados indicam que o evento mais importante foi a divulgação das demonstrações fi nanceiras anuais, seguido pelo escândalo Swiss Leaks. As notícias na mídia e o comunicado ofi cial do grupo bancário não tiveram nenhum signifi cado sobre os preços das ações. A reação nas três bolsas de valores foi semelhante em todos os eventos, exceto um: a publicação dos resultados do 1.º trimestre de 2015, que infl uenciou as bolsas de Londres e Nova Iorque, mas não a de Hong Kong. Este estudo contribui para a literatura ao identifi car que a publicação das demonstrações contábeis em diferentes países afetam o mercado de capitais de maneira semelhante.
Palavras-chave: Estudo de Eventos. HSBC Holdings plc. Bolsas de Valores. Demonstrações Financeiras.
The fi nancial reporting process is relevant to the capital market or information are antecipated through other sources of information? This study aims to identify whether a kind of event and its source affect stock returns more than others on London, Hong Kong and New York Stock Exchanges. Four events related to HSBC Holdings plc were considered to apply event study approach: the Swiss Leaks scandal, in 2015; the losses of subsidiaries in Brazil and Turkey, published in the annual fi nancial statements of 2014; news in international newspapers on bank management; and fi nally the offi cial statement from the bank on the sale of the two loss-making subsidiaries. The results indicate that the most important event was the reporting process of annual fi nancial statements, followed by the Swiss Leaks scandal. The news on the media and the offi cial release of the banking group had no signifi cance on stock prices. The reaction in the three stock exchanges was similar in all events except one: the disclose of the results of the fi rst quarter of 2015, which infl uenced the exchanges of London and New York, but not of Hong Kong. This study contributes to the literature by identifying that the disclose of fi nancial statements in different countries affects capital markets similarly.
Keywords: Event Study. HSBC Holdings plc. Stock Exchanges. Financial Statements.
Palavras-chave: Estudo de Eventos. HSBC Holdings plc. Bolsas de Valores. Demonstrações Financeiras.
The fi nancial reporting process is relevant to the capital market or information are antecipated through other sources of information? This study aims to identify whether a kind of event and its source affect stock returns more than others on London, Hong Kong and New York Stock Exchanges. Four events related to HSBC Holdings plc were considered to apply event study approach: the Swiss Leaks scandal, in 2015; the losses of subsidiaries in Brazil and Turkey, published in the annual fi nancial statements of 2014; news in international newspapers on bank management; and fi nally the offi cial statement from the bank on the sale of the two loss-making subsidiaries. The results indicate that the most important event was the reporting process of annual fi nancial statements, followed by the Swiss Leaks scandal. The news on the media and the offi cial release of the banking group had no signifi cance on stock prices. The reaction in the three stock exchanges was similar in all events except one: the disclose of the results of the fi rst quarter of 2015, which infl uenced the exchanges of London and New York, but not of Hong Kong. This study contributes to the literature by identifying that the disclose of fi nancial statements in different countries affects capital markets similarly.
Keywords: Event Study. HSBC Holdings plc. Stock Exchanges. Financial Statements.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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