A Comercialização e a Contabilização dos Créditos de Carbono com Base em Projetos de Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo
Ana Rogéria Gomes Coelho, Jeronymo José Libonati, Umbelina Cravo Teixeira Lagioia, Carolina Veloso Maciel
A presente pesquisa aborda a comercialização e contabilização dos créditos de carbono através de projeto de Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL) e seus reflexos no patrimônio das empresas, além de esclarecer as alternativas contábeis possíveis no tratamento dos referidos eventos. O estudo utiliza o método dedutivo e apresenta uma abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvida com caráter exploratório, visando a um maior entendimento do assunto, sendo desenvolvido a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica. O Brasil não tem compromisso de redução de emissões dos GEEs, pois é considerado um país em desenvolvimento e sua energia é considerada limpa. Nesse contexto, são criadas oportunidades para que as organizações dos países desenvolvidos invistam no potencial exportador do Brasil de créditos de carbono. Sob essa perspectiva, conclui-se ser necessário, para que se possa dar a transparência almejada às informações de natureza contábil referentes aos créditos de carbono, uma adequação das Normas Contábeis, por meio do Conselho Federal de Contabilidade, no sentido de padronizar o tratamento e a evidenciação das informações originadas pelas vendas ou aquisição dos créditos de carbono.
Palavras-chave: Protocolo de Quioto, Créditos de Carbono, Informação Contábil.
The Commercialization and the Accounting of the Carbon Credits on the Basis of Projets of Mechanism of Clean
The present research approaches the commercialization and accounting of the carbon credits through project of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and its consequences in the patrimony of the companies, beyond clarifying the possible countable alternatives in the treatment of the related events. The study it uses the deductive method, presents a qualitative boarding, developed with exploratory character, aiming at a bigger agreement of the subject, being developed to leave of a bibliographical revision. Brazil does not have commitment of reduction of emissions of the GEEs, therefore a developing country is considered and its energy is considered clean. In this context, chances are created so that the organizations of the developed countries invest in the exporting potential of Brazil of carbon credits. Under this perspective, one concludes to be necessary, so that if it can give the transparency longed for to the information of referring countable nature to the carbon credits, an adequacy of the Countable Norms, by means of the Federal Advice of Accounting, in the direction of if standardizing the treatment and the disclosure of the information originated for sales or acquisition of the carbon credits.
Key words: Social Responsibility. Social Balance. Disclosure.
Palavras-chave: Protocolo de Quioto, Créditos de Carbono, Informação Contábil.
The Commercialization and the Accounting of the Carbon Credits on the Basis of Projets of Mechanism of Clean
The present research approaches the commercialization and accounting of the carbon credits through project of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and its consequences in the patrimony of the companies, beyond clarifying the possible countable alternatives in the treatment of the related events. The study it uses the deductive method, presents a qualitative boarding, developed with exploratory character, aiming at a bigger agreement of the subject, being developed to leave of a bibliographical revision. Brazil does not have commitment of reduction of emissions of the GEEs, therefore a developing country is considered and its energy is considered clean. In this context, chances are created so that the organizations of the developed countries invest in the exporting potential of Brazil of carbon credits. Under this perspective, one concludes to be necessary, so that if it can give the transparency longed for to the information of referring countable nature to the carbon credits, an adequacy of the Countable Norms, by means of the Federal Advice of Accounting, in the direction of if standardizing the treatment and the disclosure of the information originated for sales or acquisition of the carbon credits.
Key words: Social Responsibility. Social Balance. Disclosure.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
Esta revista está indexada em www.latindex.org. , www.spell.org.br, e www.cnen.gov.br/centro-de-informacoes-nucleares/livre e www.ebsco.com