Prontidão Estratégica do Capital Humano por meio da Abordagem Balanced Scorecard: um Estudo de Caso na Gerência de Contabiliade e Controladoria da Companhia de Gás de Santa Catarina
Gustavo de Aguiar Ribeiro, Sérgio Murilo Petri, Sandra Rolim Ensslin
Este artigo objetiva explorar a questão do capital humano pelo viés da prontidão estratégica de uma Gerência de Contabilidade e Controladoria (GECCO) da Companhia de Gás de Santa Catarina (SCGÁS), utilizando a abordagem do Balanced Scorecard (BSC). O construto teórico adotado neste trabalho diz respeito à noção da prontidão estratégica do capital humano (CH): o grau de alinhamento do CH à estratégia organizacional em termos da capacidade dos colaboradores de desempenhar bem sua função. O instrumento de intervenção selecionado foi o Balanced Scorecard, que, conforme Kaplan e Norton (2004a,b), visa demonstrar como o ativo intangível se relaciona com a estratégia e o desempenho da empresa, permitindo, adicionalmente, alinhar tais ativos à estratégia e medir sua contribuição para ela. A pesquisa é do tipo descritivo-exploratório, de natureza qualitativa, sendo aplicada ao estudo de caso. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo de caso, foram utilizados: entrevistas, questionários e documentos cedidos pela companhia, focando somente a gerência GECCO da SCGÁS. Como principais resultados da pesquisa, citam-se: (i) o grau de prontidão estratégica do capital humano é adequado (80,50%); (ii) os colaboradores entendem a contribuição de sua função e a desempenham de forma a apoiar a estratégia da empresa; (iii) os objetivos estratégicos autodesenvolvimento dos funcionários e criatividade configuram-se como os de menor grau de prontidão estratégica; (iv) identificação de ações, no painel de desempenho, para alavancar esse grau de prontidão estratégica, as quais poderiam ser implementadas para atingir tais objetivos e, assim, atender ao grau de prontidão estratégica desejado.
Palavras-chave: Capital Humano, Prontidão Estratégica do Capital Humano, Balanced Scorecard.
Strategic Readiness of Intellectual Capital Through the Balanced Scorecard Approach: a Case Study in the Accounting Management and Controllership in the Gas Company of Santa Catarina
This paper aims at exploring the intellectual capital issue concerning the strategic readiness of the Accounting and Controllership Management (ACM) in the Companhia de Gás de Santa Catarina (SCGAS) employing the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach. The theoretical construct guiding this work is the notion of strategic readiness of the human capital (HC): the degree of alignment between HC and the organizational strategy regarding the collaborators’ ability to perform their job effectively. The selected research tool was the Balanced Scorecard, which, according to Kaplan and Norton (2004 a and b), is intended to demonstrate how intangible assets are related to the company’s strategy and performance, thus making it possible to align these assets with the strategy and measure how they contribute to the strategy. The present research is descriptive-exploratory and qualitative, consisting in a case study. Several instruments were used to gather information: interviews, questionnaires, and documents provided by the company, concentrating on the ACM of the SCGAS company. The main findings of this study are: (i) the degree of strategic readiness of the human capital is adequate (80,50%); (ii) the collaborators understand the contribution of their job and perform it in order to support the company’s strategy; (iii) two strategic objectives, namely, employees’ self-development and creativity, yielded the lowest degree of strategic readiness; (iv) actions were identified in the performance panel in order to scaffold this degree of strategic readiness, and these actions could be implemented to reach the company’s goals, thus achieving the desired degree of strategic readiness.
Key-words: Human Capital; Strategic Readiness of Intellectual Capital; Balanced Scorecard
Palavras-chave: Capital Humano, Prontidão Estratégica do Capital Humano, Balanced Scorecard.
Strategic Readiness of Intellectual Capital Through the Balanced Scorecard Approach: a Case Study in the Accounting Management and Controllership in the Gas Company of Santa Catarina
This paper aims at exploring the intellectual capital issue concerning the strategic readiness of the Accounting and Controllership Management (ACM) in the Companhia de Gás de Santa Catarina (SCGAS) employing the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach. The theoretical construct guiding this work is the notion of strategic readiness of the human capital (HC): the degree of alignment between HC and the organizational strategy regarding the collaborators’ ability to perform their job effectively. The selected research tool was the Balanced Scorecard, which, according to Kaplan and Norton (2004 a and b), is intended to demonstrate how intangible assets are related to the company’s strategy and performance, thus making it possible to align these assets with the strategy and measure how they contribute to the strategy. The present research is descriptive-exploratory and qualitative, consisting in a case study. Several instruments were used to gather information: interviews, questionnaires, and documents provided by the company, concentrating on the ACM of the SCGAS company. The main findings of this study are: (i) the degree of strategic readiness of the human capital is adequate (80,50%); (ii) the collaborators understand the contribution of their job and perform it in order to support the company’s strategy; (iii) two strategic objectives, namely, employees’ self-development and creativity, yielded the lowest degree of strategic readiness; (iv) actions were identified in the performance panel in order to scaffold this degree of strategic readiness, and these actions could be implemented to reach the company’s goals, thus achieving the desired degree of strategic readiness.
Key-words: Human Capital; Strategic Readiness of Intellectual Capital; Balanced Scorecard
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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