Demonstração de Impacto Social: uma Contribuição para Evidenciação da Responsabilidade Social
Marcia Castro Silva, José Ricardo Maia de Siqueira, Macelly O. Morais, Rodrigo Rodrigues dos Santos
Diversos autores têm evidenciado problemas na atual concepção de balanços sociais como instrumentos de avaliação pela sociedade da responsabilidade social das empresas. As críticas mais contundentes se referem à baixa padronização destes instrumentos, bem como um forte viés para potencialização de resultados corporativos que leva a uma ênfase desproporcional dos aspectos sociais positivos das operações das organizações. Este trabalho parte da análise de documentos considerados como representativos dos anseios da sociedade e identifica demandas sociais genéricas e específicas. Com base nestas últimas é proposto um relatório social, denominado Demonstração de Impacto Social, dividido em 6 capítulos – Identificação da Empresa, Relação Capital-Trabalho, Impacto Ambiental, Impacto na Sociedade, Desenvolvimento Econômico e Declaração – e composto por um total de 91 indicadores, voltado para empresas industriais, que tem por objetivo oferecer uma informação abrangente e com um bom nível de padronização, permitindo comparações entre diferentes organizações.
Palavras-chave: Responsabilidade Social. Balanço Social. Evidenciação.
Social Impact Report: a Contribution to Social Responsability Disclosure
Many authors have been discussing problems with the current conception of social balances being used by society as assessment tools of companies’ social responsibility. The hardest criticism refers to these instruments’ low standards, as well as to the strong trend towards enhancing the good corporate results, which in turn leads to an oversize emphasis of the positive social aspects of the organizations’ operations. This study stems from an analysis of documents considered to represent the society wishes and it identifies general and specific social demands. Based on these, a social report is proposed - the Social Impact Demonstrative, which will be divided into 6 chapters: Company Identification, Capital-Labor Relationship, Environmental Impact, Impact on Society, Economic Development and Reporting – and it is composed by a total of 91 indexes targeting industrial businesses, and it aims at offering comprehensive information with a satisfying level of standardization, allowing comparisons among different organizations.
Key words: Social Responsibility. Social Balance. Disclosure.
Palavras-chave: Responsabilidade Social. Balanço Social. Evidenciação.
Social Impact Report: a Contribution to Social Responsability Disclosure
Many authors have been discussing problems with the current conception of social balances being used by society as assessment tools of companies’ social responsibility. The hardest criticism refers to these instruments’ low standards, as well as to the strong trend towards enhancing the good corporate results, which in turn leads to an oversize emphasis of the positive social aspects of the organizations’ operations. This study stems from an analysis of documents considered to represent the society wishes and it identifies general and specific social demands. Based on these, a social report is proposed - the Social Impact Demonstrative, which will be divided into 6 chapters: Company Identification, Capital-Labor Relationship, Environmental Impact, Impact on Society, Economic Development and Reporting – and it is composed by a total of 91 indexes targeting industrial businesses, and it aims at offering comprehensive information with a satisfying level of standardization, allowing comparisons among different organizations.
Key words: Social Responsibility. Social Balance. Disclosure.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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