A Consultoria Contábil como Oportunidade de Negócios Profissionais - um Estudo Documental
Leonardo Soares Francisco de Almeida, Julio Vieira Neto, Cesr Frederico dos Santos Von Dollinger, Andre Cantareli da Silva, Tiago Cesar Guimarães dos Santos
ResumoA consultoria contábil representa assunto proeminente para o profissional contábil. Neste sentido, a pesquisa tem por objetivo geral realizar um estudo documental e bibliométrico sobre a consultoria contábil no período de 2006 a 2016, sendo seus objetivos específicos, mediante a revisão de literatura, propor um modelo de plano de consultoria para área contábil apresentando ainda uma proposta de prestação de serviço customizada, por parte do contador e de órgãos creditícios. A metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa foi um estudo documental, exploratório e explicativo. De posse destes dados, foi possível chegar ao contexto da pesquisa, que se propõe em responder aos seguintes questionamentos: A consultoria contábil é elaborada de forma padronizada por parte das empresas de consultoria? Quanto ao modelo indicado, este trará oportunidades qualitativas e quantitativas para os profissionais contábeis? Quais suas vantagens e desvantagens?
Palavras-chave: Consultoria, Contabilidade, Modelo, Custos. Accounting
Accounting advice represents a prominent subject for the accounting professional. In this sense, the general objective of the research is to carry out a documentary and bibliometric study on accounting consulting in the period from 2006 to 2016. Its specific objectives, through a literature review, are to propose a model of a consulting plan for the accounting area. proposal of customized service rendering, by the accountant and credit agencies. The methodology used in this research was a documentary, exploratory and explanatory study. With this data, it was possible to arrive at the context of the research, which proposes to answer the following questions: Is the accounting consultancy developed in a standardized way by the consulting firms? Regarding the model indicated, will it provide qualitative and quantitative opportunities for accounting professionals? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Keywords: Consulting, Accounting Model, and costs.
Palavras-chave: Consultoria, Contabilidade, Modelo, Custos. Accounting
Accounting advice represents a prominent subject for the accounting professional. In this sense, the general objective of the research is to carry out a documentary and bibliometric study on accounting consulting in the period from 2006 to 2016. Its specific objectives, through a literature review, are to propose a model of a consulting plan for the accounting area. proposal of customized service rendering, by the accountant and credit agencies. The methodology used in this research was a documentary, exploratory and explanatory study. With this data, it was possible to arrive at the context of the research, which proposes to answer the following questions: Is the accounting consultancy developed in a standardized way by the consulting firms? Regarding the model indicated, will it provide qualitative and quantitative opportunities for accounting professionals? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Keywords: Consulting, Accounting Model, and costs.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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