Percepção Pública do Profissional de Auditoria Interna e Externa
Fernando Maciel Ramos, Clari Schuh, Taciana Rodrigues de Souza, Redvania Vieira Xavier, Clovis Antonio Kronbauer
Resumo O estudo teve como objetivo identificar a percepção pública atual do profissional de auditoria interna e externa e classifica-se como descritivo, levantamento (survey) e abordagem quantitativa. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi uma survey composta por 13 questões baseadas em estudos anteriores, enviada por meio da plataforma online Google docs® e validada por especialistas. A amostra contou com 410 respondentes e, para análise dos dados, foi utilizada estatística descritiva e correlação de Pearson. Os resultados demonstraram que a percepção pública é a de um profissional ético, imparcial, responsável e auxiliador. A estereotipagem positiva está relacionada, de forma significativa, a indivíduos que exercem posição de gestão; e uma correlação negativa com o nível de receio. Além disso, identificou-se que indivíduos do gênero masculino, com maior nível de escolaridade, idade e frequência de contato são relacionados com o nível de receio em relação ao profissional de auditoria.
Palavras-chave: Auditoria; Estereótipos do Auditor; Percepção sobre Auditor.
The aims of the study was to identify the current public percep tion of internal and external auditors and classificated as des criptive, survey and quantitative approach. The data collection instrument was a survey composed of 13 questions based on previous studies, sent through the online platform Google docs® and validated by specialists. The sample consisted of 410 res pondents and for data analysis we used descriptive statistics and Pearson's correlation. The results showed that the public perception is of an ethical, impartial, responsible and supportive professional, and that positive stereotyping is significantly and positively related to individuals who exercise managerial position, and a negative correlation with the level of fear. In addition, it was identified that males, with a higher educational level, age and frequency of contact are positively related to the level of fear in relation to the audit professional.
Keywords: Audit; Stereotypes of the Auditor; Perception on Auditor
Palavras-chave: Auditoria; Estereótipos do Auditor; Percepção sobre Auditor.
The aims of the study was to identify the current public percep tion of internal and external auditors and classificated as des criptive, survey and quantitative approach. The data collection instrument was a survey composed of 13 questions based on previous studies, sent through the online platform Google docs® and validated by specialists. The sample consisted of 410 res pondents and for data analysis we used descriptive statistics and Pearson's correlation. The results showed that the public perception is of an ethical, impartial, responsible and supportive professional, and that positive stereotyping is significantly and positively related to individuals who exercise managerial position, and a negative correlation with the level of fear. In addition, it was identified that males, with a higher educational level, age and frequency of contact are positively related to the level of fear in relation to the audit professional.
Keywords: Audit; Stereotypes of the Auditor; Perception on Auditor
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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