A Disciplina de Teoria da Contabilidade e a Convergência às Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade: Percepção dos Professores dos Programas de Pós-Gradução Stricto Sensu em Contabilidade
Leila Chaves Cunha, Andreia Guidini, Roberto Carlos Klann
Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar a percepção dos professores dos Programas de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Ciências Contábeis (PPGCCs) do Brasil sobre a abordagem da disciplina Teoria da Contabilidade no cenário da convergência às Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade. A pesquisa é qualitativa e os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário com perguntas abertas e fechadas, aplicado aos professores dos respectivos PPGCCs. Os resultados demonstram que os conteúdos mais enfatizados pelos professores são: O Ativo e sua Mensuração; O Passivo e sua Mensuração; Receitas, Despesas, Ganhos e Perdas. Conteúdos como Metodologia da Contabilidade e Contabilidade e as Flutuações de Preços são ministrados com menor frequência, ou não são ministrados. Como tópicos especiais, os professores indicaram: Gerenciamento de Resultados, Teoria Positiva da Contabilidade versus Teoria Normativa; Qualidade da Informação Contábil; Teoria Contratual da Firma, dentre outros. Há professores que concordam que ocorreu mudança na maneira de discutir a disciplina Teoria da Contabilidade nos PPGCCs, a partir da convergência do Brasil às Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade. Para eles, as mudanças estão relacionadas aos aspectos de mensuração de ativos, passivos, receitas e despesas; o IASB; e as características qualitativas da estrutura conceitual. Assim, conclui-se que a disciplina de Teoria da Contabilidade ministrada nos PPGCCs tem sofrido influências no que diz respeito ao seu conteúdo e metodologia, em função do processo de convergência às normas internacionais de contabilidade, que exigem dos profissionais maior senso crítico e capacidade de interpretação.
Palavras-chave: Teoria da contabilidade; Normas internacionais de contabilidade; professores.
The main goal of this study is to identify the perception of professors from accounting graduate programs in Brazil regarding the course Accounting Theory in the convergence scenario to International Accounting Standards. The research is qualitative and data were collected through a questionnaire with open and closed questions, applied to professors of their respective graduate programs. The results show that the most emphasized contents are: The assets and its measurement; The liabilities and its measurement; Revenues, expenses, gains and losses. Contents such as Methodology of Accounting and Accounting and the fluctuations prices are not frequent, or are not offered. Besides, as special topics, professors indicated the following courses: Earnings management, Positive Accounting Theory versus Normative Theory; Quality of Accounting Information; Contract Theory of the Firm, among others. There are who professors agree that there was a change in the way of discussing Accounting Theory in graduate programs from the convergence of Brazil to the International Accounting Standards. For them, the change is related to aspects of measuring assets, liabilities, income and expenses; the IASB; and the qualitative characteristics of the conceptual framework. Consequently, it is concluded that the Accounting Theory course in graduate programs has suffered influences with regard to its content and methodology due to the convergence of International Accounting Standards, which require from professionals a higher critical sense and interpretation skills.
Keywords: Accounting Theory; International Accounting Standards; Professors.
Palavras-chave: Teoria da contabilidade; Normas internacionais de contabilidade; professores.
The main goal of this study is to identify the perception of professors from accounting graduate programs in Brazil regarding the course Accounting Theory in the convergence scenario to International Accounting Standards. The research is qualitative and data were collected through a questionnaire with open and closed questions, applied to professors of their respective graduate programs. The results show that the most emphasized contents are: The assets and its measurement; The liabilities and its measurement; Revenues, expenses, gains and losses. Contents such as Methodology of Accounting and Accounting and the fluctuations prices are not frequent, or are not offered. Besides, as special topics, professors indicated the following courses: Earnings management, Positive Accounting Theory versus Normative Theory; Quality of Accounting Information; Contract Theory of the Firm, among others. There are who professors agree that there was a change in the way of discussing Accounting Theory in graduate programs from the convergence of Brazil to the International Accounting Standards. For them, the change is related to aspects of measuring assets, liabilities, income and expenses; the IASB; and the qualitative characteristics of the conceptual framework. Consequently, it is concluded that the Accounting Theory course in graduate programs has suffered influences with regard to its content and methodology due to the convergence of International Accounting Standards, which require from professionals a higher critical sense and interpretation skills.
Keywords: Accounting Theory; International Accounting Standards; Professors.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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