Avaliação de Sociedades em Perícias de Apuração de Haveres Através de Apoio Multicritério à Decisão
Cleidinei Augusto da Silva, Grecthn Maria Berriel Costa, Idalberto José das Neves Júnior, Luís Alberto Duncan Rangel, Lílian Ponzo Ribeiro
Resumo A discussão judicial sobre valores apurados em avaliações patrimoniais possui uma demanda que é de responsabilidade conclusiva dos operadores do direito. Sob a modalidade conhecida por apuração de haveres, a contabilidade, por intermédio da perícia contábil, pode contribuir para a obtenção de provas ou de avaliações suportadas pela neutralidade, confiabilidade e verificabilidade, a fim de mensurar o valor justo do empreendimento. Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar preferência dos peritos contadores quanto ao emprego de diferentes métodos e/ou procedimentos de avaliação de sociedades aplicados em processos judiciais de apuração de haveres, por meio da aplicação do Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) e do Tomada de Decisão Interativa e Multicritério (TODIM). Assim, foi utilizado o AHP e outro método conhecido por TODIM que traz em sua estrutura diferentes características, sendo a principal a inclusão da Teoria da Perspectiva, e por isso permite levar em conta o risco na modelagem dos problemas. A população e amostra utilizada foi a mesma abordada por Caríssimo (2014) e está delimitada a oito peritos contadores especialistas em avaliação de sociedades e/ou apuração de haveres dos vinte cadastrados na Associação dos Peritos Judiciais, Árbitros, Conciliadores e Mediadores de Minas Gerais (ASPEJUDI-MG). O estudo evidenciou que em ambos métodos os resultados foram coerentes e similares, indicando a mesma ordenação de prioridade na preferência dos peritos contadores. Portanto, o uso comparativo dos métodos AHP e TODIM mostraram-se aptos para a pesquisa, evidenciando a preferência dos peritos-contadores de Avaliação pelo Balanço de Determinação com Fluxo de Caixa, em primeiro lugar, de Avaliação com Book Value, em segundo e, por último, de Avaliação pelo Balanço de Determinação com Goodwill.
Palavras-chave: Perícia Contábil, Custos, Formação de Preços e Honorários Periciais Contábeis.
Abstract The judicial discussion about values assessed in equity assessments has a demand that is the conclusive responsibility of the law operators. Under the modality known as the asset valuation, accountancy, through accounting expertise, can contribute to obtaining evidence or evaluations supported by neutrality, reliability and verifiability, the fair value of the development. The objective of this article is to identify the preference of accountant as employment of different methods and/or or valuation procedures of companies applied in judicial processes for the determination of assets, by means the application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Interactive Multicriteria Decision Making (TODIM). Therefore, AHP was used and another method known as TODIM that has different characteristics in its structure, the main one being the inclusion of Perspective Theory, and so it allows to take into account the risk in the modeling of the problems. The population and sample used was the same one that was addressed by Caríssimo (2014) and it is delimited to eight expert accountants specializing in the evaluation of companies and / or verification of assets of the twenty registered in the Association of Judicial Experts, Arbitrators, Conciliators and Mediators of Minas Gerais (ASPEJUDI-MG). The study showed that in both methods the results were consistent and similar, indicating the same order of priority in the preference of the counting experts. Therefore, the comparative use of the AHP and TODIM methods proved to be apt for the research, evidencing the preference of the accountants of Evaluation by the Balance of Determination with Cash Flow, in first of all, of Evaluation with Book Value, and secondly, and finally, the Goodwill Determination Balance Sheet.
Keywords: Accounting Skills, Costs, Price Formation, Accounting Expert Fees.
Palavras-chave: Perícia Contábil, Custos, Formação de Preços e Honorários Periciais Contábeis.
Abstract The judicial discussion about values assessed in equity assessments has a demand that is the conclusive responsibility of the law operators. Under the modality known as the asset valuation, accountancy, through accounting expertise, can contribute to obtaining evidence or evaluations supported by neutrality, reliability and verifiability, the fair value of the development. The objective of this article is to identify the preference of accountant as employment of different methods and/or or valuation procedures of companies applied in judicial processes for the determination of assets, by means the application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Interactive Multicriteria Decision Making (TODIM). Therefore, AHP was used and another method known as TODIM that has different characteristics in its structure, the main one being the inclusion of Perspective Theory, and so it allows to take into account the risk in the modeling of the problems. The population and sample used was the same one that was addressed by Caríssimo (2014) and it is delimited to eight expert accountants specializing in the evaluation of companies and / or verification of assets of the twenty registered in the Association of Judicial Experts, Arbitrators, Conciliators and Mediators of Minas Gerais (ASPEJUDI-MG). The study showed that in both methods the results were consistent and similar, indicating the same order of priority in the preference of the counting experts. Therefore, the comparative use of the AHP and TODIM methods proved to be apt for the research, evidencing the preference of the accountants of Evaluation by the Balance of Determination with Cash Flow, in first of all, of Evaluation with Book Value, and secondly, and finally, the Goodwill Determination Balance Sheet.
Keywords: Accounting Skills, Costs, Price Formation, Accounting Expert Fees.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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