Desoneração da Folha de Pagamento e Comportamento dos Custos em Empresas de Construção Civil
Manoel Júnior Ludwig, Altair Borgert, Aline Willemann Kramer
Resumo Diante do cenário de baixa competividade das empresas nacionais, o governo promoveu a desoneração da folha de pagamento em determinados setores a fi m de reduzir os custos com previdência, impulsionar a economia e aumentar a formalização do mercado de trabalho. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho é verifi car se houve redução dos custos em duas empresas analisadas do segmento da construção civil, num período equitativo antes (nov. 12 a out. 13) e depois (nov. 13 a out. 14) da desoneração. Para tanto, buscou-se os dados reais das empresas nos relatórios e demonstrativos contábeis e, dentro da ótica comportamental dos custos, verifi cou-se a empregabilidade, além dos impactos nos custos com previdência e mão de obra por meio de um comparativo da contribuição previdenciária conforme o cálculo atual da desoneração, o antigo cálculo da contribuição patronal e uma estimativa conforme as alíquotas estabelecidas na Lei n.º 13.161/15. E, por fi m, a relação temporal comparativa dos custos totais com mão de obra e a lucratividade perante a receita líquida. Os resultados evidenciaram que a empresa que utiliza mão de obra própria obteve benefícios com a alteração da legislação, entre eles a redução do valor pago a previdência, enquanto que na empresa que detém mão de obra terceirizada os benefícios não foram verifi cados, nem de modo indireto.
Palavras-chave: Comportamento dos custos. Desoneração da folha de pagamento. Construção civil.
In face of the scenario of low competitiveness of national enterprises, the government promoted the exemption of payroll in some segments in order to reduce the foresight's costs, to push the economy and enhance the formalization of labour market. In this way, this paper aims to verify if a reduction of costs in two analyzed enterprises of construction industry happened, in an equitable period before (Nov. 2012 to Oct. 2013) and after (Nov. 2013 to Oct. 2014) the exemption. For this purpose, the real data of the enterprises were taken in the accountings reports and statements that, under the behavioural cost perspective, were verifi ed the employability, beyond the impacts in the foresight's costs and labour force by means of a foresight's comparative contribution according to current exemption's calculation, the former calculation of employer's contribution and an estimate according to the aliquots proposed by Law n.º 13,161/15 and, fi nally, the comparative temporal relation of total costs and profi tability in front of net income. The outcomes showed that the enterprise that uses its own labour force had benefi ts with the law's change, among these benefi ts are the reduction of the amount paid to the foresight, while that, at the enterprise that has labour force outsourced, the benefi ts weren't verifi ed, neither in an indirect mode.
Keywords: Cost behavior. Payroll tax relief. Construction.
Palavras-chave: Comportamento dos custos. Desoneração da folha de pagamento. Construção civil.
In face of the scenario of low competitiveness of national enterprises, the government promoted the exemption of payroll in some segments in order to reduce the foresight's costs, to push the economy and enhance the formalization of labour market. In this way, this paper aims to verify if a reduction of costs in two analyzed enterprises of construction industry happened, in an equitable period before (Nov. 2012 to Oct. 2013) and after (Nov. 2013 to Oct. 2014) the exemption. For this purpose, the real data of the enterprises were taken in the accountings reports and statements that, under the behavioural cost perspective, were verifi ed the employability, beyond the impacts in the foresight's costs and labour force by means of a foresight's comparative contribution according to current exemption's calculation, the former calculation of employer's contribution and an estimate according to the aliquots proposed by Law n.º 13,161/15 and, fi nally, the comparative temporal relation of total costs and profi tability in front of net income. The outcomes showed that the enterprise that uses its own labour force had benefi ts with the law's change, among these benefi ts are the reduction of the amount paid to the foresight, while that, at the enterprise that has labour force outsourced, the benefi ts weren't verifi ed, neither in an indirect mode.
Keywords: Cost behavior. Payroll tax relief. Construction.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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