Disclosure Obrigatório de Ativos Intangíveis das Companhias Listadas nos Níveis de Governança Corporativa da Bm&FBovespa
Ieda Margarete Oro, Roberto Carlos Klann
Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é verificar a conformidade do disclosure obrigatório dos ativos intangíveis indicados no CPC 04 (2010) nas empresas pertencentes aos Níveis de Governança Corporativa da BM&FBovespa referente ao ano de 2011. A amostra integrou 80 empresas. A pesquisa documental consultou as demonstrações financeiras e Notas Explicativas. A análise de conteúdo envolveu a menção direta ou indireta aos 17 itens de avaliação em três dimensões: vida útil, amortização e reavaliação/teste de impairment. Os resultados indicam que na análise dos dados pela metodologia de maximum difference scaling, que identifica os melhores e piores (Best-Worst), nesse caso, os itens da dimensão da vida útil e amortização apresentam melhores níveis de disclosure com base no Índice de Importância Atribuído em relação à dimensão do teste de impairment. Contudo, não existem diferenças significativas nos três níveis de governança corporativa, ou seja, o Índice de Importância Atribuído apresentou semelhanças, evidenciando que não permite indicar que um dos níveis possui melhor evidenciação obrigatória do CPC 04 (2010) que caracteriza o ativo intangível.
Palavras-chave: Disclosure Obrigatório, Ativos Intangíveis, Governança Corporativa
The objective of this article is verify the accordance of the required disclosure of intangible assets indicated in CPC 04 (2010) in the companies belonging to the BM&FBovespa Corporate Governance Levels relative to the year of 2011. The sample integrated 80 companies. The documental research consulted the financial statements and Explanatory Notes. The content analysis involved the direct or indirect mention to the 17 assessment items in three dimensions: useful life, amortization and revaluation/impairment test. The results indicate that in the data analysis by the maximum difference scaling methodology that identifies the best and worst (BestWorst), in this case, the dimension items of useful life and amortization present better disclosure levels basis of the Emphasis Index in relation to the impairment test dimension. However, there aren't significant differences in the three levels corporate governance, that is, the Emphasis Index showed similarities, evidencing that is not allowed to indicate that one of the levels has better required disclosure of CPC 04 (2010) that features the intangible assets.
Key words: Required Disclosure, Intangible Assets, Corporate Governance
Palavras-chave: Disclosure Obrigatório, Ativos Intangíveis, Governança Corporativa
The objective of this article is verify the accordance of the required disclosure of intangible assets indicated in CPC 04 (2010) in the companies belonging to the BM&FBovespa Corporate Governance Levels relative to the year of 2011. The sample integrated 80 companies. The documental research consulted the financial statements and Explanatory Notes. The content analysis involved the direct or indirect mention to the 17 assessment items in three dimensions: useful life, amortization and revaluation/impairment test. The results indicate that in the data analysis by the maximum difference scaling methodology that identifies the best and worst (BestWorst), in this case, the dimension items of useful life and amortization present better disclosure levels basis of the Emphasis Index in relation to the impairment test dimension. However, there aren't significant differences in the three levels corporate governance, that is, the Emphasis Index showed similarities, evidencing that is not allowed to indicate that one of the levels has better required disclosure of CPC 04 (2010) that features the intangible assets.
Key words: Required Disclosure, Intangible Assets, Corporate Governance
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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