O processo de privatização dos bancos estaduais e o Proes
Sergio Arnor Vieira
O Sistema Financeiro Nacional tem passado por processos marcantes de reestruturações. Mercê da estabilidade de preços, diversos bancos, principalmente os controlados pelo poder público, viram-se à beira da insolvência, devido à perda das receitas decorrentes dos ganhos inflacionários. Entretanto, alguns promoveram uma efetiva reestruturação em suas estruturas, adaptando-se à nova situação; outros, por se encontrarem insolventes, desapareceram definitivamente do mercado, seja devido ao processo de liquidação extrajudicial decretado pelo Banco Central, seja simplesmente por extinção, via liquidação ordinária ou, devido à mudança dos objetivos sociais, passando a se constituir empresas não-financeiras. Outra via foi a federalização para a posterior privatização em leilão. Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar o processo de desestatização ocorrida no âmbito do Programa de Desestatização ocorrido na década de 1990, de vários bancos estaduais, mediante análise dos critérios de avaliação, dando ênfase ao processo do Banespa, maior banco estadual, cujo processo foi o mais complexo e controvertido.
The Process of Estate-Bank
The Brazilian Financial System has been undergoing several restructuring processes. In view of the price stability, several Brazilian state-owned banking institutions became on the verge of insolvency, due to the loss of the inflationary income. Due to bankruptcy some of those institutions either vanished from the market, or underwent an involuntary extra-judicial liquidation process or liquidated voluntarily via ordinary extinction or change of purposes becoming non-financial institutions. On the other hand some state-owned financial institutions adapted to the new environment by withstanding restructuring processes. Another way out was the privatization by the federal government with subsequent conversion to private enterprising via auctioning. This paper analyses the privatization procedures as part of the Brazilian Privatization Program that occurred in the 1990’s relative to several state-owned financial institutions, by means of the evaluation methodology applied to banks in the Program, emphasizing the case of Banespa, the biggest state-owned financial institution which is considered the most complex and controversial privatization processes of all.
The Process of Estate-Bank
The Brazilian Financial System has been undergoing several restructuring processes. In view of the price stability, several Brazilian state-owned banking institutions became on the verge of insolvency, due to the loss of the inflationary income. Due to bankruptcy some of those institutions either vanished from the market, or underwent an involuntary extra-judicial liquidation process or liquidated voluntarily via ordinary extinction or change of purposes becoming non-financial institutions. On the other hand some state-owned financial institutions adapted to the new environment by withstanding restructuring processes. Another way out was the privatization by the federal government with subsequent conversion to private enterprising via auctioning. This paper analyses the privatization procedures as part of the Brazilian Privatization Program that occurred in the 1990’s relative to several state-owned financial institutions, by means of the evaluation methodology applied to banks in the Program, emphasizing the case of Banespa, the biggest state-owned financial institution which is considered the most complex and controversial privatization processes of all.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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