Capital intelctual e tomada de decisão: uma estreita relação
Anderson Soares da Silva, Ana Carolina P.D. da Fonseca
Nos dias de hoje, diante do ambiente de alta competição em que as organizações estão inseridas, torna-se cada vez mais importante o desenvolvimento de mecanismos que visem à redução do quadro de incerteza em que suas decisões são tomadas. Nesse sentido, o Capital Intelectual assume papel de destacada relevância, tendo em vista que sua utilização junto ao processo decisório se dá tanto no âmbito interno quanto no âmbito externo das organizações. Desta forma, o presente trabalho buscou apontar a importância do Capital Intelectual para a tomada de decisão no âmbito interno das organizações, partindo-se da premissa de que a utilização de elementos que compõem o Capital Intelectual como ferramenta no processo decisório pode levar a decisões mais eficientes e eficazes. Complementarmente, objetivou-se demonstrar a relevância da correta mensuração do Capital Intelectual, bem como da sua evidenciação de forma clara por parte dos profissionais que atuam na área contábil, visando a que se cumpra a “verdadeira vocação” da Contabilidade, que é a prestação de informações com o propósito de subsidiar a tomada de decisão, tanto no âmbito interno das organizações quanto no externo, por parte dos stakeholders.
Intellectual Capital and Decision Taking: a Narrow Relation
Nowadays, ahead of the environment of high competition where the organizations are inserted, each more important time becomes the development of mechanisms that they aim at to the reduction of the uncertainty picture where its decisions are taken. In this direction, the Intellectual Capital assumes role of detached relevance, in view of that its use next to the power to decide process is given in such a way in the internal scope how much in the external scope of the organizations. In such a way, the present work searched to point the importance of the Intellectual Capital with respect to the taking of decision in the internal scope of the organizations, breaking itself of the premise of that the use of elements that compose the Intellectual Capital as tool in the power to decide process can take the efficient decisions most efficient and. Complementarily, was objectified to demonstrate the relevance of the correct measurement of the Intellectual Capital, as well as of its demonstration of clear form on the part of the professionals who act in the countable area, aiming at that if it fulfills the “true vocation” of the Accounting that is the installment of information with the intention to subsidize the decision taking, as much in the internal scope of the organizations, how much in the external one, on the part of stakeholders.
Intellectual Capital and Decision Taking: a Narrow Relation
Nowadays, ahead of the environment of high competition where the organizations are inserted, each more important time becomes the development of mechanisms that they aim at to the reduction of the uncertainty picture where its decisions are taken. In this direction, the Intellectual Capital assumes role of detached relevance, in view of that its use next to the power to decide process is given in such a way in the internal scope how much in the external scope of the organizations. In such a way, the present work searched to point the importance of the Intellectual Capital with respect to the taking of decision in the internal scope of the organizations, breaking itself of the premise of that the use of elements that compose the Intellectual Capital as tool in the power to decide process can take the efficient decisions most efficient and. Complementarily, was objectified to demonstrate the relevance of the correct measurement of the Intellectual Capital, as well as of its demonstration of clear form on the part of the professionals who act in the countable area, aiming at that if it fulfills the “true vocation” of the Accounting that is the installment of information with the intention to subsidize the decision taking, as much in the internal scope of the organizations, how much in the external one, on the part of stakeholders.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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