Atuação do profissional da contabilidade na auditoria ambiental
Joao Antonio da Silva Cardoso, Munique Maria da Silva Cardoso, Sergio Pinto Amaral
A preocupação com o meio ambiente cresceu e ganhou significativos campos em nossa sociedade, incluída a preocupação no plano socioeconômico, tendo, portanto, as empresas que atuam diretamente com o meio ambiente uma responsabilidade determinada. É neste cenário que surge a auditoria ambiental, visto que é um instrumento capaz de avaliar, testar, monitorar e fiscalizar a política ambiental da empresa, seja através do seu sistema de gestão ambiental, ou pelas legislações vigentes que regem a temática da empresa auditada. Sendo assim, a empresa tem responsabilidade ambiental por seus atos e pode responder civil, penal e administrativamente. Neste conjunto, incluem-se os stakeholders exigindo uma gestão socialmente responsável, e os conceitos de governança corporativa gerando a necessidade de a Contabilidade ser a provedora do conjunto de informações. Desta forma, surge o Balanço Social, tendo o viés ambiental fundamentado na NBCT-15. Neste artigo, pretendemos apresentar a atuação do profissional da Contabilidade no exercício da auditoria ambiental, suas funções, avaliando a sua responsabilidade penal em caso de dano ambiental. Levaremos em consideração as legislações vigentes para a proteção do meio ambiente, e principalmente aquelas referentes à auditoria ambiental.
The Role of Accounting Process in the Enviromental Auditing Process
Environmental awareness has been steadily increasing in our society, having both a sociological and economical impact as companies that have direct environmental impact acquire a new responsibility. Within this framework we have the birth of environmental auditing, an instrument capable of evaluating, testing and monitoring the firm’s environmental policies in order to ascertain its compliance to the pertinent legislations, through its environmental auditing system. Therefore, the company has responsibility for its impact on the environment and is susceptible to being prosecuted at the civil, criminal and administrative levels. The stakeholders thus hold the company’s management accountable for a socially responsible administration, creating the need for the Social Balance Sheet, which has its origins in the NBCT-15. In this article we intend to present the role and the duties of the accountant in the environmental auditing process, evaluating their criminal responsibility in the case of environmental damage. We will also take into account the pertinent legislations, especially those referring to environmental auditing.
The Role of Accounting Process in the Enviromental Auditing Process
Environmental awareness has been steadily increasing in our society, having both a sociological and economical impact as companies that have direct environmental impact acquire a new responsibility. Within this framework we have the birth of environmental auditing, an instrument capable of evaluating, testing and monitoring the firm’s environmental policies in order to ascertain its compliance to the pertinent legislations, through its environmental auditing system. Therefore, the company has responsibility for its impact on the environment and is susceptible to being prosecuted at the civil, criminal and administrative levels. The stakeholders thus hold the company’s management accountable for a socially responsible administration, creating the need for the Social Balance Sheet, which has its origins in the NBCT-15. In this article we intend to present the role and the duties of the accountant in the environmental auditing process, evaluating their criminal responsibility in the case of environmental damage. We will also take into account the pertinent legislations, especially those referring to environmental auditing.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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