Uma contribuição à análise de fatores que influenciam o equilíbrio do sistema previdenciário
Claudia Lima Félix, Heliton José Ribeiro, Fernando P. Tostes
A Previdência Social é formada por um conjunto de programas e benefícios que têm por fim garantir recursos necessários à manutenção de seus segurados e dar amparo público aos não-contribuintes do sistema. Para o cumprimento desta missão, são estabelecidas normas que preservem o equilíbrio financeiro e atuarial dos recursos previdenciários. Neste artigo os autores analisam a formação do sistema previdenciário brasileiro e estabelecem uma relação entre o déficit no sistema e o evento fraudes. A partir de uma revisão bibliográfica, foi confirmada a magnitude dos riscos associados a fraudes a que estão expostos os regimes previdenciários e confirmada a importância de uma estrutura consistente de controle interno como instrumento de detecção e minimização desses eventos.
Palavras-chave: previdência, segurado, gestão, controle interno, fraude.
A Contribution to the Analysis of Factors that Influence the Balance of the Brazilian Social Security
The Social security is formed by a set of programs and benefits designed to guarantee the necessary funds to protect the insured and to give public support to not-contributors of the system. To fulfill this mission the Government issues rules to preserve the financial and actuarial balance of this public pension fund. In this article the authors analyze the development of the Brazilian social security system, establishing a relation between its financial deficiencies and the occurrence of frauds. We used the bibliographical methodology to study the magnitude of the risks associated with frauds in the social security system and, in doing so, confirming the importance of a consistent structure of internal control as the main deterrent instrument to reduce fraud.
Key words : social security , internal control , fraud.
Palavras-chave: previdência, segurado, gestão, controle interno, fraude.
A Contribution to the Analysis of Factors that Influence the Balance of the Brazilian Social Security
The Social security is formed by a set of programs and benefits designed to guarantee the necessary funds to protect the insured and to give public support to not-contributors of the system. To fulfill this mission the Government issues rules to preserve the financial and actuarial balance of this public pension fund. In this article the authors analyze the development of the Brazilian social security system, establishing a relation between its financial deficiencies and the occurrence of frauds. We used the bibliographical methodology to study the magnitude of the risks associated with frauds in the social security system and, in doing so, confirming the importance of a consistent structure of internal control as the main deterrent instrument to reduce fraud.
Key words : social security , internal control , fraud.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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