Pensar Contábil, Vol. 26, No 91 (2024)

Tamanho da fonte:  Menor  Médio  Maior

An Analysis of Impairment Recognition in the COVID-19 Period: Big Four Versus Non-Big Four

Gabriella Fontinelli Gaspar, Larissa Miranda de Oliveira, Márcio Marvila Pimenta


Uma Análise sobre Reconhecimento de Impairment no Período de
COVID-19: Big Four Versus Não Big Four

The period of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought challenges to companies around the world, affecting their ability to generate revenue and causing changes in market conditions. Given these circumstances, the assessment of Impairment expenses has become crucial for companies to correctly reflect the recoverable value of their assets
and provide serviced information to external users. Thus, we sought to carry out a comparative analysis on the recognition of Impairment in listed companies audited by the Big Four (the four largest audit firms in the world) versus non-Big Four during the period of COVID-19. The intuition of the analysis is that the companies audited by the Big Four companies face more difficulties in using accounting numbers opportunistically than other companies. The analysis seeks to understand
the approaches adopted, the accounting policies applied,
and the disclosures related to Impairment in different audit contexts. It
is hoped that the results of this analysis will contribute to a more comprehensive
understanding of the effects of COVID-19 on financial disciplines, loss assessment, and whether the pandemic would impact audit quality. In addition, the study aims to provide relevant insights for accounting, auditing and investors professionals, helping them to make outstanding decisions and to assess the quality of accounting
information in times of crisis.
Keywords: Impairment, COVID-19, Big Four, audit, accounting policies, disclosures

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