As indústrias de pequeno porte e o orçamento de capital: um estudo sobre análise de investimentos na baixada fluminense
Marcio de Araújo Resende, Jose Ricardo Maia de Siqueira
O estudo em questão tem por objetivo analisar o processo de investimento de capital em empresa industrial de pequeno porte localizada na região que abrange os municípios de Duque de Caxias e Nova Iguaçu. A escolha dos referidos municípios ocorreu em virtude, principalmente, da carência de estudos sobre o emprego de técnicas de orçamento de capital em indústrias da região mencionada, da importância econômica destas cidades — tanto em relação à Baixada Fluminense quanto ao Estado do Rio de Janeiro — e do número significativo de residentes. Para atingir esse objetivo, foram enviados questionários para as pequenas indústrias dos municípios selecionados e realizada uma pesquisa em profundidade em uma empresa baseada em entrevista, observação e análise documental. As informações coletadas na pesquisa em profundidade foram comparadas com as dos questionários obtidos, e ambas com o referencial teórico contábil-financeiro. Os resultados apontaram que, entre outros aspectos relevantes, as empresas estudadas mencionaram utilizar o custo dos empréstimos captados como a taxa de desconto dos fluxos de caixa de seus projetos de investimento e que, com freqüência, o órgão responsável pela análise se encontra em alta posição na escala hierárquica da organização.
The Small Industries and the Capital Budget: an Study about the Analysis in the Baixada Fluminense Region
The present study intends to examine the capital investment process of small-sized company, located in the region that includes the municipalities of Duque de Caxias and Nova Iguaçu. The choice of these two municipalities was mainly made due to the scarcity of studies involving the use of capital budgetary techniques at companies in the mentioned region, the economic importance of the two cities – both with respect to the Baixada Fluminense and the State of Rio de Janeiro – and the significant number of their inhabitants. The technique was chosen for obtaining the data required for carrying out this study was the mailing of questionnaires to small companies within the two cities and making an in-depth research into a company that was performed based on interview, observation and analysis of documents. The information obtained from the in-depth research was compared to that of the questionnaires, and then both were compared to the accounting theory. After the analysis, and among other relevant aspects, it was noticed that the companies mentioned are utilizing the cost of loans as the discount rate for the cash flow of their investment projects and that the responsibility for analyzing capital investments is placed, often, on the top of organizations.
The Small Industries and the Capital Budget: an Study about the Analysis in the Baixada Fluminense Region
The present study intends to examine the capital investment process of small-sized company, located in the region that includes the municipalities of Duque de Caxias and Nova Iguaçu. The choice of these two municipalities was mainly made due to the scarcity of studies involving the use of capital budgetary techniques at companies in the mentioned region, the economic importance of the two cities – both with respect to the Baixada Fluminense and the State of Rio de Janeiro – and the significant number of their inhabitants. The technique was chosen for obtaining the data required for carrying out this study was the mailing of questionnaires to small companies within the two cities and making an in-depth research into a company that was performed based on interview, observation and analysis of documents. The information obtained from the in-depth research was compared to that of the questionnaires, and then both were compared to the accounting theory. After the analysis, and among other relevant aspects, it was noticed that the companies mentioned are utilizing the cost of loans as the discount rate for the cash flow of their investment projects and that the responsibility for analyzing capital investments is placed, often, on the top of organizations.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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