Impactos do não reconhecimento da inflação na demonstração do fluxo de caixa e na demonstração das origens e aplicações de recursos: uma simulação
João Bosco Arbués Carneiro Junior, Ivan Canan, Carlos Alberto Kuhl, José Augusto Veiga da Costa Marques
Este artigo discute a estrutura conceitual da Demonstração dos Fluxos de Caixa (DFC) e da Demonstração das Origens e Aplicações de Recursos (DOAR). Seu objetivo principal é demonstrar a necessidade da correção monetária integral nas demonstrações contábeis. Para tanto, é feita uma simulação que envolve a elaboração da DFC, pelo método direto e indireto, e da DOAR. Para sua realização, foi pesquisada literatura disponível, que inclui artigos, dissertações e teses que tiveram seus objetivos ligados ao tema apresentado. Com isso, pode-se dizer que a pesquisa é classificada como bibliográfica e descritiva que utilizou o método da simulação para alcançar seus objetivos. Verificou-se que a DOAR, mesmo criticada, continua tendo um papel informacional relevante. Concluiu-se que a inflação pode provocar distorções na capacidade informacional das demonstrações em estudo, levando os usuários da Contabilidade a tomar decisões equivocadas.
Palavras-chave: Demonstração dos Fluxos de Caixa – Demonstração das Origens e Aplicação de Recursos – Correção Monetária Integral.
Impacts of the Non Recognition of the Inflation in the Cash Flow Demonstration and in the Demonstration of the Origins and Applications of Sources: one Simulation
This paper discusses the framework of concepts related to the Cash Flow Demonstration and also the Demonstration of the Origin and Application of Sources. Its main objective is to demonstrate the need of an integral coin value correction in the book value demonstrations. In order to reach that, we bring a simulation which involves the elaboration of the Cash Flow Demonstration, by both direct and indirect methods, and the Demonstration of the Origin and Application of Sources, as well. For this paper we searched the available literature, which includes articles, dissertations and theses with objectives related to the presented issue. We can surely affirm that the following research is considered as being bibliographic and descriptive, based on the simulation method to reach its objectives. It could be noticed that the Demonstration of the Origin and Application of Sources, even being criticized, still plays a relevant informative role. It was concluded that inflation causes distortions on the informative capacity of the studied demonstrations, leading accounting users to make mistaken decisions.
Key-words: Cash Flow Demonstration – Demonstration of the Origin and Application of Sources – Integral Coin Value Correction.
Palavras-chave: Demonstração dos Fluxos de Caixa – Demonstração das Origens e Aplicação de Recursos – Correção Monetária Integral.
Impacts of the Non Recognition of the Inflation in the Cash Flow Demonstration and in the Demonstration of the Origins and Applications of Sources: one Simulation
This paper discusses the framework of concepts related to the Cash Flow Demonstration and also the Demonstration of the Origin and Application of Sources. Its main objective is to demonstrate the need of an integral coin value correction in the book value demonstrations. In order to reach that, we bring a simulation which involves the elaboration of the Cash Flow Demonstration, by both direct and indirect methods, and the Demonstration of the Origin and Application of Sources, as well. For this paper we searched the available literature, which includes articles, dissertations and theses with objectives related to the presented issue. We can surely affirm that the following research is considered as being bibliographic and descriptive, based on the simulation method to reach its objectives. It could be noticed that the Demonstration of the Origin and Application of Sources, even being criticized, still plays a relevant informative role. It was concluded that inflation causes distortions on the informative capacity of the studied demonstrations, leading accounting users to make mistaken decisions.
Key-words: Cash Flow Demonstration – Demonstration of the Origin and Application of Sources – Integral Coin Value Correction.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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