Avaliação de empresas em perícias contábeis: um estudo de casos
Mabelle Martinez Mondandon, Jose Ricardo Maia de Siqueira, Pierre Ohayon
A perícia contábil consiste numa ferramenta utilizada pelo Poder Judiciário quando o objeto do processo judicial envolve questões e matérias de natureza contábil, e por este motivo necessitam da apreciação e interpretação de um contador para ser esclarecidas. O presente artigo aborda uma importante aplicação da perícia contábil, a avaliação de empresas, considerando que o processo de avaliação consiste na busca de estimar um valor justo de mercado para uma empresa, que, apesar de ter como base modelos essencialmente quantitativos, trabalha com expectativas e valores construídos, pelo menos parcialmente, em bases subjetivas, enquanto as decisões judiciais necessitam estar fundamentadas em fatos, eventos e ocorrências concretas. Neste contexto, este artigo apresenta o estudo de cinco laudos periciais, elaborados por uma empresa prestadora de serviços de perícias contábeis judiciais, analisando a propriedade das técnicas de avaliação de empresas utilizadas em situações reais e fazendo uma avaliação crítica, segundo a teoria das principais metodologias. Os resultados obtidos com a análise dos laudos periciais demonstraram a presença deste problema no cotidiano do perito contador, visto que eles apresentaram algumas falhas metodológicas, principalmente quanto à determinação de algumas variáveis dos modelos de avaliação de empresas adotados.
Palavras-chave: Perícia contábil, avaliação de empresas, perito contador, laudo pericial, modelos de avaliação.
Company Valuation for Forensic Accounting: a Case Study
The forensic accounting consists of a tool used by the judiciary when the object of the proceeds involves questions and matters of accounting nature, and for this reason, need the appreciation and interpretation of an accountant to be clarified. The present study broaches an important application of forensic accounting, which is company valuation, considering that the valuation process consists in the search of the market fair value for a company, and although it is based essentially in quantitative models, it works with expectations and values constructed, at least partially, in subjective bases, while the sentences need to be based on facts, events and concrete occurrences. In this context, this work presents the study of five reports, made by a forensic accounting company, analyzing the properties of the techniques of valuation utilized in real situations, and criticizing it, comparatively to the theory of the most known methodologies. The results reached with the analysis of the expert reports had demonstrated the presence of this problem in the daily work of the accounting expert, since the reports had presented some methodologies imperfections, mainly related to the determination of some items of the valuation models adopted.
Key Words: Forensic accounting, company valuation, forensic accountant, expert report, valuation models.
Palavras-chave: Perícia contábil, avaliação de empresas, perito contador, laudo pericial, modelos de avaliação.
Company Valuation for Forensic Accounting: a Case Study
The forensic accounting consists of a tool used by the judiciary when the object of the proceeds involves questions and matters of accounting nature, and for this reason, need the appreciation and interpretation of an accountant to be clarified. The present study broaches an important application of forensic accounting, which is company valuation, considering that the valuation process consists in the search of the market fair value for a company, and although it is based essentially in quantitative models, it works with expectations and values constructed, at least partially, in subjective bases, while the sentences need to be based on facts, events and concrete occurrences. In this context, this work presents the study of five reports, made by a forensic accounting company, analyzing the properties of the techniques of valuation utilized in real situations, and criticizing it, comparatively to the theory of the most known methodologies. The results reached with the analysis of the expert reports had demonstrated the presence of this problem in the daily work of the accounting expert, since the reports had presented some methodologies imperfections, mainly related to the determination of some items of the valuation models adopted.
Key Words: Forensic accounting, company valuation, forensic accountant, expert report, valuation models.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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