Marcos Antonio de Souza, Ivana Basso
RESUMO O objetivo do estudo é identificar quais as práticas de governança adotadas por redes de empresas do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no segmento de mercado e supermercados. Tal objetivo decorre do reconhecimento da necessidade do mecanismo de governança como meio de alcance da eficaz gestão organizacional, inclusive no âmbito das redes de empresas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva com abordagem quantitativa. A coleta de dados ocorreu no ano de 2011 por meio de entrevistas estruturais presenciais realizadas com gestores das 17 redes de empresas do RGS no segmento de mercado e supermercado. A análise dos dados se deu pela quantificação das escalas do tipo Likert de cinco pontos. Os principais achados indicam que as redes de empresas pesquisadas estão ainda aquém do que é recomendado pela literatura como o padrão que caracteriza uma gestão eficaz quanto às práticas de governança. A predominância de médias inferiores a 4 corrobora essa conclusão, apesar de isoladamente algumas práticas situarem-se acima dessa média.
Palavras-chave: Governança. Redes de empresas. Gestão organizacional.
This article aims to identify which governance practices are adopted by business networks in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in market and supermarkets segment. This objective came from the recognition of the need of the governance mechanism as a tool of reach of effective organizational management, including corporate networks. This is a descriptive research with quantitative approach. Data collection occurred in 2011 by structural interviews with managers of 17 enterprise networks of RS in the market and super market segment. Data analysis was done through the quantification of the Likert scales of five points. The main findings indicate that networks of companies surveyed are still short of what is recommended in the literature as standard featuring efficient management regarding corporate governance practices. The predominance of averages less than 4 corroborates this conclusion, although some practices alone are situated above this average.
Keywords: Governance. Business networks. Organizational management.
Palavras-chave: Governança. Redes de empresas. Gestão organizacional.
This article aims to identify which governance practices are adopted by business networks in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in market and supermarkets segment. This objective came from the recognition of the need of the governance mechanism as a tool of reach of effective organizational management, including corporate networks. This is a descriptive research with quantitative approach. Data collection occurred in 2011 by structural interviews with managers of 17 enterprise networks of RS in the market and super market segment. Data analysis was done through the quantification of the Likert scales of five points. The main findings indicate that networks of companies surveyed are still short of what is recommended in the literature as standard featuring efficient management regarding corporate governance practices. The predominance of averages less than 4 corroborates this conclusion, although some practices alone are situated above this average.
Keywords: Governance. Business networks. Organizational management.
Texto Completo: PDF
ISSN da versão on-line (atual): 1984-3291
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral
Classificação CAPES: A3