Clóvis Antônio Kronbauer, Mariana Manfroi da Silva
O presente estudo objetiva investigar o grau de evidenciação das informações de natureza ambiental, apartir das DFPs divulgadas na Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) das empresas deste segmento doexercício findo em 2009. Neste contexto, busca contribuir com os estudos sobre informações ambientaisdivulgadas por empresas brasileiras em suas demonstrações contábeis. Para tanto, selecionou-se asempresas do setor de transporte listado na BOVESPA com suas Demonstrações Financeiras Padronizadas(DFP) divulgadas na CVM no exercício findo em 31/12/2009. Conforme a Política Nacional do MeioAmbiente, a atividade de transportes é considerada potencialmente poluidora e utilizadora de recursosambientais. A partir da técnica de análise de conteúdo, parte-se para a investigação. Os resultados mostramque a maioria das informações (81%) constam no relatório de administração, estrutura que não é auditada,e são favoráveis à imagem da empresa (95%). Os tipos de informações quantitativas, quando divulgadas,são referentes a passivos ambientais que quando omitidos, podem distorcer relevantemente asdemonstrações contábeis. Salienta-se a necessidade de discussão quanto à regulação e fiscalização,reconhecimento e a padronização da divulgação de informações desta natureza, principalmente porempresas em que a degradação ambiental é inerente de sua atividade.
Palavras-chave: Disclosure Ambiental; Demonstrações Contábeis; Setor de Transporte.
This study aims to investigate the disclosure of environmental information, as of Financial Statementsdisclosed in Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) of the companies in this segment forthe year ended 2009. Also, aims to contribute to studies on environmental information disclosed byBrazilian companies in their financial statements. To this end, it was selected the companies in theeconomic sector of transport listed on BOVESPA with its Standard Financial Statements (DFP) disclosedin the CVM in the year ended in December 31, 2009. According to the National Policy on theEnvironment, the transport activity is considered a potentially polluting and using of environmentalresources. From the content analysis technique, it starts to investigate. The results show that most of theinformation (81%) contained in the management report, that structure is not audited, and are favorableimage of the company (95%). The types of quantitative information, when disclosed, are related toenvironmental liabilities when omitted, can materially distort the financial statements. We emphasize theneed for discussion regarding the regulation and supervision, recognition and standardization ofdisclosure of this nature, especially for companies that environmental degradation is inherent to theiractivity.
Keywords: Environmental Disclosure; Financial Statements; Transportation Sector.
Palavras-chave: Disclosure Ambiental; Demonstrações Contábeis; Setor de Transporte.
Environmental Disclosure: Analysis of the Degree of Disclosure in the Financial Statements of Transport Companies
This study aims to investigate the disclosure of environmental information, as of Financial Statementsdisclosed in Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) of the companies in this segment forthe year ended 2009. Also, aims to contribute to studies on environmental information disclosed byBrazilian companies in their financial statements. To this end, it was selected the companies in theeconomic sector of transport listed on BOVESPA with its Standard Financial Statements (DFP) disclosedin the CVM in the year ended in December 31, 2009. According to the National Policy on theEnvironment, the transport activity is considered a potentially polluting and using of environmentalresources. From the content analysis technique, it starts to investigate. The results show that most of theinformation (81%) contained in the management report, that structure is not audited, and are favorableimage of the company (95%). The types of quantitative information, when disclosed, are related toenvironmental liabilities when omitted, can materially distort the financial statements. We emphasize theneed for discussion regarding the regulation and supervision, recognition and standardization ofdisclosure of this nature, especially for companies that environmental degradation is inherent to theiractivity.
Keywords: Environmental Disclosure; Financial Statements; Transportation Sector.
Texto Completo: PDF
ISSN da versão on-line (atual): 1984-3291
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral
Classificação CAPES: A3