Legibilidade dos Fatos Relevantes: uma Análise na Vale S. A. no Período de Agosto 2012 a Agosto de 2016
Juliana Reis Bernardes, João Carlos Hipólito Bernardes do Nascimento, Rosangela Mesquita Ayres, José Ricardo Maia de Siqueira
Resumo O presente estudo analisou a legibilidade dos textos narrativos dos Fatos Relevantes divulgados pela Vale S.A. no período de agosto de 2012 a agosto de 2016, investigando se houve variabilidade significativa no nível de legibilidade no período, bem como se esse nível foi significativamente superior em cenários otimistas em relação aos pessimistas, focando-se no período após o rompimento da Barragem de Fundão, em Mariana (MG). Utilizando o método Flesch, para estimação da legibilidade dos Fatos Relevantes, e a técnica paramétrica t de Student, para os testes de médias, verificou-se que, de forma geral, houve diferença significativa com relação à legibilidade dos Fatos Relevantes, dependendo do cenário, isto é, os fatos divulgados em cenários pessimistas apresentaram menor legibilidade frente aos que foram divulgados em cenários otimistas. Por meio da utilização da técnica de Análise do Discurso dos textos narrativos dos Fatos Relevantes, identificam-se indícios de que estes, no momento subsequente ao rompimento da barragem visavam, preponderantemente, a acalmar o mercado quanto à possibilidade de uma ação civil, e, adicionalmente, evitar esclarecimentos quanto ao rompimento da barragem e/ou reconhecimento da participação (e responsabilidade) da Samarco na ocorrência. Por meio da aplicação da técnica de estudo de eventos a partir das séries históricas diárias, observa-se importante redução do retorno acumulado (cerca de -257% no período de 11 dias), corroborando, assim, a percepção inicial de que a emissão dos Fatos Relevantes visava a, predominantemente, acalmar o mercado.
Palavras-chave: Legibilidade; Fatos Relevantes; Impression Management.
The present study analyzed the readability of the narrative texts of the Material Facts published by Vale SA from August 2012 to August 2016, investigating whether there was significant variability in the rea dability level in the period, as well as whether this level was significantly higher in scenarios Optimistic about the pessimists, focusing on the period after the break of the Fundão Dam, Mariana (MG). Using the Flesch method, for the estimation of the readability of the Relevant Facts, and Student's t-parametric technique, for the tests of means, it was verified that, in general, there was a significant difference in rela tion to the readability of the Relevant Facts, depending on the scenario. That is, the facts disclosed in pessimistic scenarios presented less rea dability than those that were disclosed in optimistic scenarios. Through the use of the Discourse Analysis technique of the narrative texts of the Relevant Facts, evidence is identified that the Material Facts at the time following the rupture of the dam were intended primarily to calm the market as to the possibility of a civil action and, additionally, to avoid Clarification regarding the rupture of the dam and / or recognition of Samarco's participation (and responsibility) in the event. By applying the technique of study of events from the daily historical series, an im portant reduction of the accumulated return is observed (about -257% in the 11-day period), thus corroborating the initial perception that the emission of the Facts Relevant was to predominantly calm the market.
Keywords: Legibility; Relevant facts; Impression Management
Palavras-chave: Legibilidade; Fatos Relevantes; Impression Management.
The present study analyzed the readability of the narrative texts of the Material Facts published by Vale SA from August 2012 to August 2016, investigating whether there was significant variability in the rea dability level in the period, as well as whether this level was significantly higher in scenarios Optimistic about the pessimists, focusing on the period after the break of the Fundão Dam, Mariana (MG). Using the Flesch method, for the estimation of the readability of the Relevant Facts, and Student's t-parametric technique, for the tests of means, it was verified that, in general, there was a significant difference in rela tion to the readability of the Relevant Facts, depending on the scenario. That is, the facts disclosed in pessimistic scenarios presented less rea dability than those that were disclosed in optimistic scenarios. Through the use of the Discourse Analysis technique of the narrative texts of the Relevant Facts, evidence is identified that the Material Facts at the time following the rupture of the dam were intended primarily to calm the market as to the possibility of a civil action and, additionally, to avoid Clarification regarding the rupture of the dam and / or recognition of Samarco's participation (and responsibility) in the event. By applying the technique of study of events from the daily historical series, an im portant reduction of the accumulated return is observed (about -257% in the 11-day period), thus corroborating the initial perception that the emission of the Facts Relevant was to predominantly calm the market.
Keywords: Legibility; Relevant facts; Impression Management
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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