Pequisa sobre balanço social nos mais influentes periódicos acadêmicos internacionais de contabilidade
Fernanda Amorim Ribeiro de Castro, Jose Ricardo Maia de Siqueira
O balanço social é potencialmente uma ferramenta para avaliação da responsabilidade social corporativa, mas para que isto seja realmente verdadeiro faz-se necessário que seja um instrumento não enviesado, permitindo aos usuários destas demonstrações uma visão abrangente dos reflexos da atividade da empresa na sociedade, com destaque especial para os impactos ambientais, dada a relevância desta demanda social. A importância de tal consideração, aliada à gravidade das atuais discrepâncias sociais e à posição de destaque que as empresas ocupam no estrato social, tem feito surgir nos últimos anos uma produção acadêmica no Brasil de volume significativo sobre os relatórios sociais corporativos. É importante questionar-se se tal movimento tem ocorrido também no exterior. Este artigo tem como objetivo principal analisar a relevância do tema nos principais periódicos acadêmicos internacionais de contabilidade. Para que tal meta seja alcançada, este artigo se baseou no trabalho de Bonner, Hesford, Stede e Young (2006) para definir os periódicos Accounting, Organizations and Society; Contemporary Accounting Research; Journal of Accounting and Economics; Journal of Accounting Research e The Accounting Review como os mais influentes na classe contábil. Constatou-se que a produção acadêmica sobre o tópico balanço social não tem apresentado uma evolução significativa ao longo dos anos, tendo até pouco destaque frente a outros temas contábeis. Verificou-se ainda que a ênfase no tema apresenta variações consideráveis entre os cinco periódicos pesquisados.
Palavras-chave: balanço social; periódicos internacionais; responsabilidade social.
A Research on Social Reports in the Most Influential International Academic Journals of Accounting
The social report is a potential tool to evaluate corporate social responsibility, but to achieve that it is necessary that it gives to the different stakeholders, without bias, a general vision over the real impacts of the companies’ activities in the society as a role, mainly the environmental impacts due to its relevance as a social demand. Considering the importance of this subject, added by the actual social differences and the important position of the companies in the social context, an increment in the Brazilian academic production, studying the corporate social reports, has been observed in the last years. It is important to identify if this movement is also happening in the international context. The purpose of this article is to analyze the relevance of this subject in the most influential international academic journals of accounting. To achieve that, this article adopted as a basis the five most influential journals defined by Bonner, Hesford, Stede e Young (2006) – Accounting, Organizations and Society; Contemporary Accounting Research; Journal of Accounting and Economics; Journal of Accounting Research; e The Accounting Review. The finds suggested that the international academic production over this subject have not presented a significant evolution during the past years. Additionally they suggested that there are considerable differences between the emphasis gave to social reports in these five journals.
Key Words: social report; international journals; social responsibility.
Palavras-chave: balanço social; periódicos internacionais; responsabilidade social.
A Research on Social Reports in the Most Influential International Academic Journals of Accounting
The social report is a potential tool to evaluate corporate social responsibility, but to achieve that it is necessary that it gives to the different stakeholders, without bias, a general vision over the real impacts of the companies’ activities in the society as a role, mainly the environmental impacts due to its relevance as a social demand. Considering the importance of this subject, added by the actual social differences and the important position of the companies in the social context, an increment in the Brazilian academic production, studying the corporate social reports, has been observed in the last years. It is important to identify if this movement is also happening in the international context. The purpose of this article is to analyze the relevance of this subject in the most influential international academic journals of accounting. To achieve that, this article adopted as a basis the five most influential journals defined by Bonner, Hesford, Stede e Young (2006) – Accounting, Organizations and Society; Contemporary Accounting Research; Journal of Accounting and Economics; Journal of Accounting Research; e The Accounting Review. The finds suggested that the international academic production over this subject have not presented a significant evolution during the past years. Additionally they suggested that there are considerable differences between the emphasis gave to social reports in these five journals.
Key Words: social report; international journals; social responsibility.
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ISSN eletrônico: 2177-417X
ISSN Impresso: 1519-0412
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