Celina Aureliano de Araújo, Alexandre de Freitas Carneiro, Alex Fabiano Bertollo Santana
RESUMO As Normas Brasileiras de Contabilidade Aplicada ao Setor Público instituiu o Sistema de Informação de Custos do Setor Público que deverá ser implementado obrigatoriamente pelas organizações governamentais. Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar o nível de entendimento e implantação do sistema de custos na gestão pública dos municípios de Rondônia. A pesquisa descritiva, do tipo qualiquanti, ocorreu mediante pesquisa documental seguida de survey com um questionário enviado a contadores, controladores e gestores públicos dos municípios do estado. O questionário foi elaborado como resultado da primeira etapa e originado dos estudos de Franco et al. (2013) e Souza, Ortiz e Almeida (2013) e composto por escala de Likert com cinco pontos. Nos municípios rondonienses não há e nem haverá implementação de sistemas de custos até o final de 2014 e há pouca manifestação de preocupação sobre a mesma. Isso por que há certa discordância e indecisão por parte dos respondentes quanto à existência de um cronograma de implantação e inexistência de disponibilidade orçamentária e financeira para que esse sistema seja inserido nesse exercício em questão. Os resultados da pesquisa aproximaram-se dos estudos já realizados, mas considera-se a realidade de Rondônia um pouco pior do que os mesmos.
Palavras-chave: Nova contabilidade pública. Municípios. Setor público. Sistema de custos.
The Brazilian Standards of Accounting Applied to Public Sector instituted the System of Information on the Cost of Public Sector that should be implemented by governmental organizations. This study aimed to assess the level of understanding and implementation of the system of costs in public management of municipalities of Rondonia. The descriptive research, the type qualiquanti, occurred through documentary research followed by survey with a questionnaire sent to accountants, controllers and public managers of the municipalities of the. The questionnaire was developed as a result of the first step and originated from studies of Franco et al. (2013) and de Souza, Ortiz and Almeida (2013) and composed of Likert scale with five points. In the municipalities generate no and neither will implement systems costs until the end of 2014 and there is little expression of concern about the same. This is why there is some disagreement and indecision on the part of the respondents regarding the existence of a deployment schedule and lack of availability budget and financial for which this system is inserted in this financial year in question. The search results were closer to those of studies already carried out, but it is the reality of Rondonia a little worse than the same.
Keywords: New public accounting. Municipalities. Public sector. System cost
Palavras-chave: Nova contabilidade pública. Municípios. Setor público. Sistema de custos.
The Brazilian Standards of Accounting Applied to Public Sector instituted the System of Information on the Cost of Public Sector that should be implemented by governmental organizations. This study aimed to assess the level of understanding and implementation of the system of costs in public management of municipalities of Rondonia. The descriptive research, the type qualiquanti, occurred through documentary research followed by survey with a questionnaire sent to accountants, controllers and public managers of the municipalities of the. The questionnaire was developed as a result of the first step and originated from studies of Franco et al. (2013) and de Souza, Ortiz and Almeida (2013) and composed of Likert scale with five points. In the municipalities generate no and neither will implement systems costs until the end of 2014 and there is little expression of concern about the same. This is why there is some disagreement and indecision on the part of the respondents regarding the existence of a deployment schedule and lack of availability budget and financial for which this system is inserted in this financial year in question. The search results were closer to those of studies already carried out, but it is the reality of Rondonia a little worse than the same.
Keywords: New public accounting. Municipalities. Public sector. System cost
Texto Completo: PDF
ISSN da versão on-line (atual): 1984-3291
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral
Classificação CAPES: A3