David Vitor Rocha do Nascimento, Josimar Pires da Silva, Tatiane Silva Sá, Thiago Jose Gonzaga Borges
RESUMO O trabalho objetiva identificar a existência de retornos anormais acumulados (CARs) no intervalo de 15 pregões anteriores em que a ação foi negociada e no dia do evento, que é a divulgação através de fato relevante, da Oferta Pública de Aquisição de Ações (OPA) para cancelamento de registro de companhia aberta. Para isso, foi utilizada a metodologia de Estudos de Eventos, com base no Modelo de Retornos Ajustados ao Risco e ao Mercado, estabelecendo como hipótese nula um CAR=0% e hipótese alternativa um CAR≠0%. Foi utilizada uma amostra de 16 empresas que tiveram suas ações negociadas no maior número de pregões antes do anúncio da OPA, dentro do universo de 40 que cancelaram o registro de companhia aberta na BM&FBovespa, no período de 30/11/2007 a 30/09/2013. Verificou-se a ocorrência de seis CARs negativos, nove positivos e um estatisticamente igual a zero. A média dos retornos anormais acumulados (MCAR) foi positiva, devido ao maior peso dos CARs positivos. Verificou-se a existência de insider information, que na maioria dos casos foi positiva, beneficiando o acionista minoritário com um aumento no valor das ações e consequentemente um maior valor da empresa apurado pelo Valor Médio Ponderado das Ações. Assim, na média, não se verificou tendência de gerenciamento de resultados em favor do acionista majoritário interessado no fechamento do capital. Palavras-chave: Oferta Pública de Aquisição de Ações - OPA. Insider Information. Estudos de eventos.
ABSTRACT The study aims to identify the existence of Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) within 15 previous trading sessions in which the stock traded, and in the day of the event, which is disseminating through material fact, the takeover that consists in public to private transaction. For this we used the methodology of event studies, based on the Model of Risk-Adjusted Returns and Market, establishing itself as null hypothesis CAR= 0% and one alternative hypothesis CAR ≠ 0%. We used a sample of 16 companies that had shares traded in the largest number of trading days before the announcement of the takeover, within the group of 40 that canceled the registration of public company on the BM&Fbovespa, from 30/11/2007 to 30/09/2013. We verified the presence of six negative CARs, nine positive and one statistically zero. The average of cumulative abnormal returns (MCAR) was positive, due to the greater weight of positive CARs. We verified the existence of insider information which in most cases was positive and benefited the minority shareholder with an increase in share value and therefore a higher value of the firm calculated by Value Weighted Average Shares. Thus, on average, there was no trend of earnings management in favor of the majority shareholder interested in delisting.
Keywords: Takeover public to private transaction. Insider information. Event study.
ABSTRACT The study aims to identify the existence of Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) within 15 previous trading sessions in which the stock traded, and in the day of the event, which is disseminating through material fact, the takeover that consists in public to private transaction. For this we used the methodology of event studies, based on the Model of Risk-Adjusted Returns and Market, establishing itself as null hypothesis CAR= 0% and one alternative hypothesis CAR ≠ 0%. We used a sample of 16 companies that had shares traded in the largest number of trading days before the announcement of the takeover, within the group of 40 that canceled the registration of public company on the BM&Fbovespa, from 30/11/2007 to 30/09/2013. We verified the presence of six negative CARs, nine positive and one statistically zero. The average of cumulative abnormal returns (MCAR) was positive, due to the greater weight of positive CARs. We verified the existence of insider information which in most cases was positive and benefited the minority shareholder with an increase in share value and therefore a higher value of the firm calculated by Value Weighted Average Shares. Thus, on average, there was no trend of earnings management in favor of the majority shareholder interested in delisting.
Keywords: Takeover public to private transaction. Insider information. Event study.
Texto Completo: PDF
ISSN da versão on-line (atual): 1984-3291
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral
Classificação CAPES: A3