Carlos Roberto Souza Carmo, Renata de Oliveira Souza Carmo
RESUMO O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar comparativamente o grau de motivação entre estudantes da modalidade presencial e a distância, do curso de Ciências Contábeis de uma instituição de ensino superior particular, da região do Triângulo Mineiro, considerando suas características individuais relacionadas à idade, ao gênero, à existência de experiência profissional na área contábil, o tempo relativo àquela experiência e, ainda, o período/etapa do curso em que se encontravam, enquanto possíveis direcionadores daquela motivação. Para tanto, no processo de análise dos dados, além de tabelas e gráficos, foram utilizados métodos de natureza quantitativa relacionados à estatística descritiva, análise de variância e de medianas, e, à análise de regressão linear múltipla. A partir das informações de 159 respondentes, entre outras evidências, foi possível perceber que: em ambas as modalidades de ensino, ao longo do curso, a motivação dos alunos apresentou uma redução que caracterizou-se mais acentuada entre os alunos da modalidade a distância; estatisticamente, não foram detectadas diferenças no grau de motivação geral dos estudantes daquele curso superior, no que se refere àquelas duas modalidades de ensino; e, ainda, estatisticamente, somente a variável idade foi considerada uma característica individual capaz de influenciar a motivação dos dois grupos de alunos analisados nesse estudo.
Palavras-chave: Aprendizagem. Motivação. Método quantitativos aplicados.
This study aimed at comparing the degree of motivation among students in classroom mode and distance mode, of course in a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from a private institution of higher education, the Triângulo Mineiro region, considering their individual characteristics, such as the age, gender, the existence of professional experience in accounting, time of to that experience and also the period/stage of the course where they were, while potential drivers of that motivation. For both, the process of data analysis, as well as tables and charts, were used quantitative methods related to descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and medians and the analysis of multiple linear regression. From the information of 159 respondents, among other evidence, it was revealed that: in both modalities of teaching, along the course the motivation of the students showed a reduction that was characterized more pronounced among students of distance mode; statistically, no differences were detected in the level of overall motivation of students that higher education course, with regard to those two modalities; and yet, statistically, only age variable was considered an individual characteristic can influence the motivation of the two groups of students analyzed in this study.
Keywords: Learning. Motivation. Quantitative method applied.
Palavras-chave: Aprendizagem. Motivação. Método quantitativos aplicados.
This study aimed at comparing the degree of motivation among students in classroom mode and distance mode, of course in a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from a private institution of higher education, the Triângulo Mineiro region, considering their individual characteristics, such as the age, gender, the existence of professional experience in accounting, time of to that experience and also the period/stage of the course where they were, while potential drivers of that motivation. For both, the process of data analysis, as well as tables and charts, were used quantitative methods related to descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and medians and the analysis of multiple linear regression. From the information of 159 respondents, among other evidence, it was revealed that: in both modalities of teaching, along the course the motivation of the students showed a reduction that was characterized more pronounced among students of distance mode; statistically, no differences were detected in the level of overall motivation of students that higher education course, with regard to those two modalities; and yet, statistically, only age variable was considered an individual characteristic can influence the motivation of the two groups of students analyzed in this study.
Keywords: Learning. Motivation. Quantitative method applied.
Texto Completo: PDF
ISSN da versão on-line (atual): 1984-3291
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral
Classificação CAPES: A3