Dimas de Oliveira Estevam, Joelcy José Sá Lanzarini, Giovana Ilka Jacinto Salvaro
RESUMO Na região Sul Catarinense, os agricultores familiares vêm se organizando em cooperativas descentralizadas, com o objetivo de enfrentar, em conjunto as dificuldades de comercializar sua produção no mercado que individualmente seriam consideradas muito difícil. O modelo de organização cooperativa descentralizada ou não patrimonial permite aos pequenos produtores rurais legalizar suas atividades produtivas, diversificar a produção, revitalizar outras abandonadas ao longo do tempo devido aos altos custos individuais. Organizados, desta forma, os agricultores da região obtiveram redução nos custos de comercialização e conquistaram novos espaços no mercado. Entretanto, após alguns anos de funcionamento, estas cooperativas enfrentam problemas de manutenção devido aos custos operacionais. Diante disto, o objetivo do presente artigo é levantar o custo operacional mensal de manutenção de uma cooperativa descentralizada. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. As fontes primárias foram obtidas por meio de anotações e gravações de reuniões realizadas no decorrer dos anos de 2012 e 2013; já as fontes secundárias por meio de balanços e balancetes de duas cooperativas. Os resultados obtidos com o desenvolvimento do projeto, constata-se, mesmo sendo cooperativas descentralizadas "não patrimoniais", o custo operacional mensal de manutenção de uma cooperativa é de aproximadamente R$ 4.000,00, totalizando aproximadamente R$ 50.000,00 anuais, sem considerar os custos de produção e os tributos da comercialização.
Palavras-chave: Cooperativas descentralizadas. Custo operacional. Rede de cooperativas. Agricultura familiar.
In the southern region of Santa Catarina, family farmers have been organizing in equity or noncooperative decentralized, aiming to face together the difficulties to market their production on the market that would be considered individually very difficult. The model of decentralized or not equity, cooperative organization allows small farmers to legalize their productive activities, diversify production, other revitalize abandoned over time due to the high individual costs. Organized in this way, the region's farmers obtained a reduction in marketing costs and won new market spaces. However, after a few years of operation, these cooperatives face maintenance problems due to operating costs. Given this has as research problem the following question: what is the monthly operating cost of maintaining a decentralized cooperative? Thus the aim of this article is to raise the monthly operating cost of maintaining a decentralized cooperative. The methodology used was the case study with a qualitative approach. Primary sources were obtained through notes and recordings of meetings held during the year 2012 and 2013, as secondary sources through statements and balance sheets of the two cooperatives. The results obtained with the development of the project, it appears, even if "non-material" decentralized cooperatives, the monthly operating cost of maintaining a cooperative is approximately R$ 4,000.00, totaling approximately R$ 50,000.00 per annum, consider the costs of production and marketing of taxes.
Keywords: Decentralized Cooperatives. Operating cost network of cooperatives. Family farming.
Palavras-chave: Cooperativas descentralizadas. Custo operacional. Rede de cooperativas. Agricultura familiar.
In the southern region of Santa Catarina, family farmers have been organizing in equity or noncooperative decentralized, aiming to face together the difficulties to market their production on the market that would be considered individually very difficult. The model of decentralized or not equity, cooperative organization allows small farmers to legalize their productive activities, diversify production, other revitalize abandoned over time due to the high individual costs. Organized in this way, the region's farmers obtained a reduction in marketing costs and won new market spaces. However, after a few years of operation, these cooperatives face maintenance problems due to operating costs. Given this has as research problem the following question: what is the monthly operating cost of maintaining a decentralized cooperative? Thus the aim of this article is to raise the monthly operating cost of maintaining a decentralized cooperative. The methodology used was the case study with a qualitative approach. Primary sources were obtained through notes and recordings of meetings held during the year 2012 and 2013, as secondary sources through statements and balance sheets of the two cooperatives. The results obtained with the development of the project, it appears, even if "non-material" decentralized cooperatives, the monthly operating cost of maintaining a cooperative is approximately R$ 4,000.00, totaling approximately R$ 50,000.00 per annum, consider the costs of production and marketing of taxes.
Keywords: Decentralized Cooperatives. Operating cost network of cooperatives. Family farming.
Texto Completo: PDF
ISSN da versão on-line (atual): 1984-3291
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral
Classificação CAPES: A3